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Burning Log

Shoving your dick into the sappy bit of a tree then lighting the whole tree on fire.

I hear James tried burning log. howd it go
by dick didnt fit in the tree

by K9123 August 16, 2024

Indian burn

a sexual move when your dick is so big and a woman has to use two hands. when the man proclaims that he is going to cum the woman forcibly grips his penis and twists it as soon as he nuts to produce a pleasurable pain

man 1: bro I mandy gave me a handy but damn she gave me one hard indian burn

by Anastacla February 3, 2020

Indian burn

a sexual move when your dick is so big and a woman has to use two hands. when the man proclaims that he is going to cum the woman forcibly grips his penis and twists it as soon as he nuts to produce a pleasurable pain

man 1: bro I mandy gave me a handy but damn she gave me one hard indian burn

by Anastacla February 3, 2020

indian burn

Sexual movement on the cock, involving three hands, yes, the guy has to be involved too, this movement is the twisting and turning on the cock causing all of the skin and flesh to burn off, and the significant other eats the skin with rice

“Hey babe you want to try and indian burn”

Ah fuck it les goo, get the rice ready for after”

by baddr69 February 10, 2020

burn one's eyebrows

To study or prepare for an exam really hard.

This idiom is referring to how students, before electricity, focused too hard to notice that their brows are too close to the candlelight. Commonly used in the Philippines.

She's been burning her eyebrows since last week for the test.

What does it mean to burn one's eyebrows?

I meant she's studying super hard.

by fares47 May 29, 2023

wire burn

When you rub up against a metal wire (like a zipline wire) and you get a burn from it.

My friend told me to jump to get on the zipline and i rubbed my head against the wire and got wire burn.

by TheManWithNoVocabKnowledge June 21, 2018

Brannon Reginald Burns

A sexy man who really plays Fortnite for the lore and not for the love of the little kids who play it. “Reggie” is actually a left wing influencer and an Instagram influencer who portrays gay people in such a passionate way and even clipped his own foreskin to show gay people will not be oppressed

Please marry me “Reggie” Burns

Brannon Reginald Burns has a gaping anus.

by SuperStraightSuperiorSwagger March 18, 2021