A variation of the Muddy Buddy. After vigorous anal sex, when there is a thin layer of fecal matter still present on the penis, the act of spreading the fecal matter around your sex partners booty, resulting in a brown spot that resembles a rabbit's dirty bushy tail.
After having anal sex with my girlfriend last night, I gave her a muddy bunny.
P Bunny didn't let me cook last night and I didn't bring any lunch.
Procrastination bunny is originated from one of the Wulfi and Wraa comics on a tumblr blog. Wraa says hi to Wulfi but he sorta knows once he hangs out with Wraa he is not going to get anything done. He told Wraa to stay away but Wraa begs for watching only one tiny episode of Game of Thrones together. Four seasons later, Wulfi asks, "Why do you always do this to me?" Replied Wraa, "It's my job. Unlike you, I do my work."
Damn! P bunny didn't let me cook last night and I didn't bring any lunch today.
A cool guy named Jay, Zero, whatever the fuck his name is these days...He hates this nickname...Admin of www.gamerhub.com
Look at the phunnie bunnie
Phunnie Bunnie: OMGWTF BANNED!
Verb. When you catch a yawn from another and it starts a chain reaction. Can be between two or more people.
We were trying to decide if we should go to bed or watch a movie. She wanted to go to bed so she bunny piggy backed me.
Someone at work that you are having relations with, but not dating.
That girl is his work bunny
How do i explain the best human being on the planet. He and i are soulmates. He is the love of my life and without him i would be lost. Sani is the sweetest and sexiest man i have ever met. He is an amazing kisser and has the wildest imagination. We understand each other so well that i just have to believe that we are a match made in heaven.
When he is not here i feel like a part of me is missing, that just shows howmuch i love him. I will love him for infinity because S♾️A.
Baby i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you.
You are my sani bunny for infinity. mwahh