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Potato Chip

Light Yagami's favorite snack

"I'll take a potato chip! AND EAT IT!!!

by Amogus69420 April 23, 2021

Potato Chip

When a girl is on her period and bleeds onto her boyfriend's chest. Let it dry and force him to eat it.

Guy: Dude, my girl has some sick potato chips!
Guy 2: What the fuck?!

by Fuck da Ducks March 9, 2017

Potato Chips

a thin slice of potato made crisp by being fried, baked, or dried and eaten as a snack.
In the UK and Ireland they're called crisps.

"Can I get an order please"
"Sure, What is your order?"
"A vegetable salad with a side of potato chips"
"Got it!"

by titandestroyer6000 April 28, 2024

Potato Chip

A- small fish referring to a halibut or sol that lives in the serf zone. About hand sized or smaller, flat and sandy colored.
B- baby halibut or any flat fish under legal catch and keep size.

All the potato chips hang out just past the last wave.
We caught nothing but sea breeze and potato chips.

by Lv5 Bread September 3, 2018

potato chip

a type of dildo

don't ask questions (potato chip)

by Cumgis Khan January 7, 2023

Urban Potato

A phrase that means a living potato who lives in a urban neighborhood.

WOW! That is an urban potato!

by ColeiousSucks69420 June 1, 2021

The Small Potato Clause

In the case of Women v. Humor, the Small Potato Clause uses the trend is evidence in the argument that women are not funny.

Defendant: Your honor, women are funny.
Prosecutor: Objection! According to the Small Potato Clause, the courts have found women incapable of being funny.
Judge: O shit, he rite. Sit ur ass down.

by SkwidBoyTV July 1, 2021