To potter - to do random aimless tasks and generally avoid doing stuff you should be doing. Procrastination.
Chippie had a hell of a lot of stuff to do but when I got home I discovered he had decided to harry one off all day and had done fuck all of any importance.
When one goes to extraordinary lengths to draw attention to oneself to claim to be a victim.
"i can't believe he is acting that way. He must be suffering Harry & Megan Syndrome
The state people enter when they start defending HRH Prince Harry with their life. In this mode, Prince Harry can do no wrong, he can shoot a puppy and it will be totally fine to the subject who has entered the Saint Harry mode.
People in Saint Harry mode will never admit that HRH is capable of making mistakes. They are convinced he has never made a mistake, will never make a mistake, and will blame anything that looks like a mistake on others, who deliberately did something to make Prince Harry look bad.
Often confused with people who are merely defending Prince Harry, while remaining reasonable and being able to admit that he is a human being who makes mistakes and isn't perfect.
Woah this blog is on Saint Harry mode.
Ugh I hate it when the Saint Harryers come talk shit on anon.
Okay maybe it wasn't his fault but now you're just in Saint Harry mode, stop.
Porn between homosexual people
Ex. Wanna watch Harry Potter movies
harry resis looks like alex from daugherty brothers. he has a very hot cousin and everyone is wondering what colot the pubes are.
is that Harry resis or just alex daugherty
The act of jerking off into a condom, cumming, squeezing the semen out into a cup of Coke and Jack, then drinking it.
"The new local gay bar is the best spot for a harris teeter."
Harris Teeter is the King of Hairy Tits. A lot of people may wonder if Harris Teeters (AKA Hairy Teeters, Hairy Teeth (Hairy Teethers) or Even a Hairy Tooth (Hairy Toothers) are the same things as Hairy Deuters (Thou Shalt Not Deuteronomy), Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots), Hairy Dooters and Hairy Doots. No, but they are similar in the fact that Hairy Dooters (AKA Hairy Doots) resemble 5th assholes covered in black hair that can appear anywhere on your body and Harris Teeters along with Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots) are like 5th hairy nipples that can do the same.
In some extreme cases, you may have everything from the Dirty Hairies and the Hairy Canaries down to the Dirty Cahooters and the Wooly Babullies, Doodie Croutons, Dut Cracks and the whole nine yards.
Dairy Nipples and Nairy Dipples are fifth hairless nipples that can grow anywhere on your body. These are a lot like Hairy Dooters & Hairy Deuters (AKA Hairy Doots which are fifth hairy assholes) and Dairy Hooters (AKA Dairy Hoots which are fifth hairy nipples), only the latter ones listed here just so happen to produce hair, not so unlike a Harris Teeter.
"Hail to Harris Teeter; the King of Hairy Tits!"
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