Apex Legends is a term used by people who like big brolic black men outside of February.
Jesse: Apex Legends
Zelda: Apex Legends
A game that competed woth fortnite to be the no 1 battle royale game but fortnite won in the end.
Do you like apex legends or fortnite
Defintely fortnite
a game so mutch better than fortnut that it stomps thee cheeks of fortnut.
"hey man did you know that apex legends can softly stroke the bum cheek of fortnite then run it over with a bulldozer?"
A cool new game int the year of 2019. The people in my class dont give a shit about it
Apex legends is good
A battle royal person shooter developed by Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts it was made released on February 14th 2019 its like Fortnite you go in a squad and you pick up loot and you fight other players and there's a Ring its a border that shrinks down until your the last squad alive at the writing this there are 21 legends season 13 legends are charatars that have there own special abilities a passive Ability a tactical ability and a ultimate ability