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Beaner's Dozen

12 pack of tacos at Taco Bell.

Im gonna get the the Beaner's Dozen at Taco Smell and shit my brains out afterwards.

by Fatstick August 10, 2014

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water beaner

A person of Hispanic descent who looks like a Mexican but is from the Caribbean

Person 1: bro did you hear Hernandez is from Puerto Rico
Person 2: I always knew he was a water beaner

by Theskanklicker69 January 15, 2023

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Beaner Mobile

A large van drove by beaners used to transport imigrants over the boarder.

Donald:Did you see Edquardo?
Ralph: Yea he was driving that blue beaner mobile

by palo April 29, 2007

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beaner schnitzel

A person of mixed German and Hispanic descent.Basically they must have both German ancestry,and a parent who grew up in a Latin American country,regardless of whether they have much/any Amerinidian blood or not.

OK,so my Dad is German and British and my Mom is German and Spanish,but was raised in Honduras.

Wow,you're such a beaner schnitzel!

I know,right!

by clarissatheone07 January 10, 2011

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Wiener Beaner

A homosexual Mexican .

Hey Dude that guy you were talking to was a (Wiener Beaner)!

by Mooseknuckle Bunchalotta October 10, 2012

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beaner wiener

when a penis is covered in brown poop after anal sex.

I'm not sure Katie wipes her ass because she gave me a beaner wiener.

by Graven Sevagorn August 24, 2010

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jungle beaner

one who hails from the country called brazil; normally have curly hair, light to medium tan skin, and prefer cock

Jungle beaners live in the heart of the Amazon, they don't have souls.

by Gonz-a-relli August 5, 2009

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