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cara a girl whose so willing of love and so selfless. she does things without realising and will make your life a whole lot better. if you haven’t got a cara in your life you should get one now. she is so reliable and trustworthy , you can trust your life with her.

you will never meet another person so happy and so full of laughter. cara can brighten up your day in seconds.
many guy things in all because drama isn’t her favourite thing but is stuck with one boy for the rest of her life , cinderella and prince charming.
you will miss the presence of cara and the sweet beautiful person she is. if you need her you know she will always be there.
doesn’t think very highly of herself but we all know she is the most amazing gorgeous person to grace this earth.
if you have a cara in your life keep her because she can not be replaced. forever and always my best friend and i can’t wait for the day she realises how amazing she is.

you will never meet another cara in your life.

by paielix January 25, 2021


a girl that is super shy, quiet, and a little on the abnormal side. She is very sweet, and whoever she passes will fall in love with her. She is someone you should consider letting into your life, as she would be giving you her blessing of a great life. Besides her sadness sometimes, she is always joyful and intergetic. She can get anyone she desires to get.

Caras so shy but so sweet...

by dontjudgemecreep October 2, 2020


Cara cares too much, but once she has reached her limit, that’s it.
Cara will go above and beyond for someone she loves.

Cara has a twin flame.

Cara loves him so much.

by Sunriseangels111 November 7, 2019


Book nerd but for some reason very dumb. Sassy, rude,pretty,airhead,jealous. That all sums up Cara in a whole. But you have to realize sometimes she's in pain maybe that’s why so lashes out. There’s a lot of trauma she carries with her. Caras also tend to blame everything on others even if they have no involvement in these situations. She can be funny and caring at times. Very two faced you might not know the real cara. Sometimes she is very nice and good with kids. Just be nice to her because she could be having a hard time in her life. Wants attention all the time. Can be a good friend usually or she will stab you in the back

Emily:Why is cara so mean all the time

Sara: IKR but she only does it because she has a Rocky life
Tasha: She cry’s everyday there got to be something wrong

by Rcdrxrdxrdxtrexy November 28, 2021


Cara is annoying brat that you never want to play with. She thinks she is cool but she is wrong. Don't hang around with Cara.

Guy 1: Bro, Cara is so dumb
Guy 2: Yeah I’m gay because of her
Guy 1: what?

by Your average microwave April 14, 2022


Cara x liam . Yoru x Liam , Yoru x Pingu , Pingu x Kitty

cara liam noob

by Master_Caster June 30, 2020


Is the most beautiful girl in the world she has a hard time trusting people and will defend anyone she has two besties and is the class clown

Cara just punch a boy in the face for bullying her friend

by Billy bob koe March 23, 2022