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cultural dysmorphia

an emotional/mental condition wherein an individual is so malaligned with the culture lived in that it brings on anxiety, stress and an inability to adapt to the culture they are immersed in.

a californian trying to live in the deep south or vice versa could become victims of cultural dysmorphia because their cultures are diametrically opposed.

by CamiRae Walter April 14, 2013

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Hannah Culture

A culture based on the principles of kinks, specially piss or feet. Also includes bussy ballers and fibe, an honor bestowed upon certain members of this culture.

β€œSo I just became a part of Hannah Culture, it’s pretty neat”

by HannahBecameBannana June 5, 2021

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cultural lag

a community or nation that is less developed in art or literature than in its industry and sports.

The cultural lag of that country deprived it of any interests the tourists might have.

by Luddz June 4, 2015

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Crunch Culture

Crunch culture describes the societal pressure or "culture" in which overworking is good work. The term is most frequently used in the programming industry, even more so in the game development industry, though it may be used outside of those fields. Usually you will see this when a company may make their employees work 6/5, but then use the tight deadlines as leverage to have them work 15/7.

Often times there is pressure on the workers not just from their employers, but also from the people around them. There is an idea that working 15/7 should be fine if you were actually passionate about your work. In reality it just deprives workers of any passion or creativity they may have had. In addition, some may argue that working long shifts is "good for you" and "that's what life is all about". Really it deprives the workers of happiness and time, and overwhelms into a state of anxiety and depression.

In the game development industry there is also a lot of pressure created by "fans". The consumers always want the game/update released, and often the pressure gets put on the developers. In some instances the developers even get threats to finish the game/update. The reality is a lot of the times the developers are already working past their limits. The fans are often the biggest culprit for causing crunch culture.

Boss: "The game needs to be finished in a month, you guys are going to have to work longer hours to meet the deadlines."
Developers: "We are already working 3 hours overtime each day, we can't code any faster."
Boss: "Well it's not like I'm holding a gun to you guys making you work overtime, if you don't like it then leave."
Developers: *It's not like our whole careers is on the line or anything... F*ck crunch culture*

by CerealMan27 May 8, 2021

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Therian culture

Therian culture is the culture or legacy created by therians and/or otherkin.

Part of Therian culture is wearing and collecting taxidermy not every therian does this but a lot do

Some wear taxidermy and some wear replicas made of faux fur

Some more primal therians may wear pelts of foxs, coyotes And even wolves

My culture is Therian culture

Their culture is Therian culture

Why do you wear that? Oh it’s a part of my culture

by Alpha therian May 1, 2021

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Culture Clubbing

The act of inserting a straw or tube into ones anus and then propelling cocaine/crushed pills directly into recipients anal cavity.

"Any seasoned drug addict will tell you this but it's been my experience that, in a pinch, I can usually grind some pills and funnel them into my ass. Any funnel will work but I prefer the oil strainers you pick up at the neighborhood gas station. Though If the opportunity presents itself, I prefer to get a close friend/honest looking stranger to shoot the finely crushed pills directly into my colon by inserting a straw or an empty pen tube into my anus, filling their lungs with air and blowing vigorously (I often refer to this as Culture Clubbing). The trick here is to have a good idea of how much product will be escaping your ass by way of farting after the initial insertion. Thusly you need to compensate the amount of powdered drugs accordingly (Note: the amount will vary if you are by yourself with a paper funnel or on the other spectrum, using a pneumatic device). Obviously it should go without saying the amount of air you're able to use to propel the granules through the straw will have a direct effect on the amount of powder that will come shooting back into the face of your friend. Make sure he/she has a dust buster or sandwich baggy at the ready when this happens.

Clearly Mr. Giraldo was simply testing his limits and made an honest miscalculation. Hopefully he makes a speedy recovery and doesn't forget the lessons he's learned."

-excerpt taken from JLDS

by mud00 September 28, 2010

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Man of culture


i see you're a man of culture

by bigchromeguy December 16, 2021

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