A Male with a massive cock, someone with a cock that resembles a dinosaur
Austin Arneson lugs around a dino dill in his pants......Trey Larson shoves his dino dill into Jordie Siverson's 2 hole
She’ll make you laugh, she’ll make you cry, but most importantly she will use her dill doe.
Maryanne Dill Doe and Lynn Byrenetta are friends
Purdy and attractive and the hottest man on earth.
WOW, that guy is a Trevor Dill! What a hunk!!! So strong too!
When, post-sex, you stand up, try to pull your pants up and unfortunately it doesn't go above your erection and you trip and fall on your dick.
Did you hear Josephi had a Dill Pickle Trip at Igor's party last night?
1.(n) Sounds simmilar to daffodil; however this term is used to describe someone who performs stupid acts, makes stupid mistakes or says stupid things.
This term is a combination of both the words duffer and dill put together, making it a good way to describe your dickhead mates.
1."Jesus, that bloody Mel is a sure duffer-dill"
2."Did you hear what Chris did this time!! He left porn on the search history on the family computer. What a duffer-dill!!!"
A fat cock that has shriveled up into a micro pp
Oh wow that’s a dill pickle