An older gentleman who, despite his gray hair, --or maybe because of it-- is dead sexy.
Shelby: "Man! I can never decide who takes the cake for hottie of the century, Paul Newman in The Hustler or Robert Redford in All The Presidents Men"
Kate: "Naaah my friend, I prefer Robert Redford circa The Horse Whisperer-- what a silver fox!"
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The saddest yet cutest Disney movie, revolving around a hound pup and fox kit that become friends despite the fact that they're natural enemies. It reminds us of how uninspired Disney has become in these times.
Daughter: Daddy, I just saw Moana today and it was like the bestest movie ever.
Dad: Naw, Moana ain't got shit on The Fox and the Hound honey.
A very rare and unusual species of the fox family. This creature was last seen parading around the countrywide of Lanaville, France. Known for it's pretty coat and ability to escape danger.
If you see a Hindman Fox, you best take a pic cause you will not see another.
A cute foxo that is an amazing foxo and a overall fun to be around foxo!
Hey, did you see Risky The Fox yesterday?
Yea, he is amazing!
Something that is so stupid and/or lowbrow that only the Fox network would air it.
Wow, that show Moment of Truth really is Fox-Worthy.
The lovably pathetic father figure in the comic strip Foxtrot. He is 45 years old, a graduate of Willot college, works as a corporate slave for a man named JP Pembrook, is married to Andy Fox with whom he has 3 children, Peter, Paige and Jason. He is known to have a voracious appetite, a trait passed to Peter, and has been hinted to eat whole blocks of cheddar cheese in a single sitting, as well as matching his age in platefuls of food during Thanksgiving dinner. He is a favorite character of many Foxtrot fans for his (at times) Homer-esque lapses of judgement, including such antics as locking himself and Andy out of their house accidently during a snowstorm, flooding the entire main floor of the house while attempting to run the dishwasher, and being suckered into the "Willy Millions Rags-to-riches program", which turned out to be nothing more than an expensive TV scam.
Running gags involving Roger Fox include:
-Playing catch with Peter and getting knocked out with the ball.
-His insatiable hunger
-His rather poor skills at the game of golf
-Being completely inept at computer use
For these reasons and more, Roger Fox is my favorite character in the Foxtrot strip.
A seemingly beautiful older woman who is such a fox. A milf would be the least of your worries..This cougar fox is everything you would ever want in she is married..have fun!
Teri is such a cougar fox. She has the looks of a fox but she is such a cougar at the same time! You would be lucky to have this cougar fox rip you apart.