Source Code

ultra mega giga alpha omega ogiga ultimate super duper extreme terrific very godly divine exquisite unlimited infinite perfect masterful destructive infernal devastating world-ending

The peak adjective.

"My IQ is ultra mega giga alpha omega ogiga ultimate super duper extreme terrific very godly divine exquisite unlimited infinite perfect masterful destructive infernal devastating world-ending high."

by Loud Dumbass April 12, 2022

5👍 2👎

infinite synopsis

an asian kid who cheats in czl-o playoffs, thinks he's a prodigy and is very asian and writes bad lyrics, and listens to bad music. HE's LYRICS WILL MAKE YOU CRY CUZ THEY'RE SOOO BAD.

infinite synopsis is a stupid asian hacker

by kronikalz July 27, 2006

Infinite Indian

The infinite Indian is terrifying. Be careful of the scammer calls you answer because if you answer you can be subject to the infinite Indian. The infinite Indian will crawl out of your phone and spawn multiple copies of itself and begin to have its way with you. After a group finishes another spawns out of the phone and the cycle is repeated until your demise. The only defense is to eat beef so make sure you eat a steak everyday.

Guy: Did you hear about Guy 2? He died! What happened?

Woman: He and his kids had their lives taken by the infinite Indian.

by Yung Butthole February 22, 2023

Drop and give me infinite

When you can’t do push ups and exercise. You’re chubby and exercise feels sooo impossible

Prison Guard: Kid, drop and give me infinite

Fat boy: can’t :’(

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 10, 2020


Jilon forstall

This mf is on that cap INFINITE type shit

by L_Caster March 21, 2021

Infinite Platoon

An infinite platoon is a vivid dream - often a nightmare - that sticks with you for a long period of time. It usually occurs when you are physically or mentally stressed. Current life events and thoughts or fears are filtered through dream logic, creating something uncanny and hard to forget.
A common infinite platoon is dreaming about a movie you just watched (ex. Platoon) and a deep anxiety (ex. wasting time, perhaps by watching an infinitely long movie).
Infinite platoons have become more common during the COVID-19 quarantine due to higher levels of stress and boredom.

I think I had an infinite platoon last night, I can't stop thinking about it. I woke up on the verge of tears.

by glocksucker69 May 6, 2020

Infinite Rizz

Rizz that knows no bounds and has only been truly achieved by those who are "top g's". This rizz is pure and unparalleled in its form and is said to be able to bag even the baddest of women.

"Yahya has infinite rizz, no woman has ever said no to him".

by Rashad Ahmad December 8, 2022