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Jo Status

When you have a lot of toxic fans that ruin the fun for everybody.

Person 1: "Yeah let's invite Jim over for dinner later!"
Person 2: "Hmm, doesn't Jim kind of have Jo status?"
Person 1: "Yeah, it's better that we don't, then."

by cloy! April 8, 2021

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Maggie jo

The most beautiful girl in the universe. She is very kind and extremely smart 90's on every test. She is very good at atheletics like hockey baseball track and field etc. She is more perfect than perfect. If you are lucky enough that she loves you take it love her with all your heart she deserves the best. Love her endlessly tell her she is beautiful everyday because she always looks gorgeous never looked bad never will. Cherish her. She is the best of the best

Man: who is that?
Guy: Maggie jo
Man: she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life

by The real homie May 16, 2016

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kacie jo

A woman who, on the outside seems innocent but internally harbors misleading and selfish goals. Most likely to sleep with a married man and to attempt to run him over while in a drunken stooper. Can be identified by the layers of makeup worn at any given time or their constant selfies on at least 2 or more social networks.

He better be careful, that girls a total Kacie Jo.

by tootsieroll16 December 20, 2016

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Jo's Deli

A small Asian owned and operated convenience store on the corner of north F street and east Market street in Aberdeen, Washington. It's owned by a really polite and kind Asian couple who put up with a lot of shit from the tweakers and junkies in the area. They have low prices on everything and the freshest deep fried deli food in Grays Harbor. The store is also very clean. The only thing they don't sell there is porn. Not an xxx dvd or Hustler in the joint but they have lots of ice cold, cheap beer and good deals on smokes.

Dude, don't eat that burrito it's probably 5 days old and been deep fried 10 times!

Relax man, I got it at Jo's Deli

Ok. Next time try their teriyaki chicken bowl it's awesome and made to order.

Rad! Jo's got 6 packs of Rainier tallies for $3.50 wooo hooo!

by bearzerker May 7, 2009

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Jo Mamma

A word that should only be used in a roast battle to absolutely destroy the other person

enemy: *roasts you*
you: Jo mamma
enemy: *dies

by jo mamma slayer November 12, 2019

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Originally an I.E.D. (improvised explosive device) but then developed by the Russian special forces whilst fighting in Afghanistan. The Jo-bomb is a devastating weapon which can tear apart the tidiest of apartments. Within seconds, womens clothing, footwear and toiletries are dispersed at great velocity, sparing no-one. The United Nations Peace-keeping force has tried to ban the Jo-bomb, but they got blown up aswell.

"Ill never forget that day, before i even knew what was going on, Barry, stood right next to me, was hit in the chest with a stiletto heel - killing him instantly. Dave was struck across the side of the face with a bottle of anti-blemish solution, he lost an eye. A day hasnt gone by when i havnt thought about the Jo-bomb"

by xpanda1982 October 29, 2008

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JO circle

A jack off circle.

Trevor, Matt, Tommy, and I got together in my room for a really high-energy JO circle. All was going well until Tommy spilled his seed all over my carpet!

by Basedgod11221122 December 11, 2011

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