The definition of ksi is rich monkey this dude is the plug not the but plug DA PLUG HE EAT ASS AND HE BUULIE VICKSTAR and world record of foreheads
The bandana boy who beat the twat Logan Paul
He is really rich and made of nickel and gallium
He has some family issues going on right now
Subscribe to him!!
That guy looks like KSI
is a person that endures and brushes it off. creates youtube videos for the humor that comes out of
Is that ksi the guy that fucked up logan
KSI is an animal with a BIG BIG forehead and a FATNEEK with a crappy beard.
KSI is a fatneek
FATNEEK with a big forehead who gets bullied by his fans. Also is a rapper with his amazing song Lamborghini.
Fan1- yo it’s ksi
Fan2- omg yeah how did u see him so quick
Fan1- I can see his massive forehead from a mile away .