Source Code

Oh my stars

I saying used when you meet someone you've heard of or touched something that could have reset all your character development

Mainly used in steven universe

Peridot - Oh my stars i touched it! I could've lost all my character development!

by Sky_the_gay_dragon December 18, 2021

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Oh my gaysh

an exclamation used when an someone is presented with an unfavorable event that is gay. Origins of the word can be traced back to a combination of the popular phrase "oh my god!" and the word gay.

Oh my gaysh! I just spilled beer all over myself!

by B to the K April 26, 2009

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oh my gawd

a refrence used by the old man, aka joseph joestar.

"Oh my gawd! Kakyoin, you've.."

by jjbaconsumedmysoul February 4, 2020

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oh my d

short for oh my... ya know. Usu. abbreviated 'omd'. Not unlike "oh my god," but generally more emphatic and reverent because, unlike god, one's d is something that one might actually care about; not to be confused with "oh my days."

oh my d i just had the best istria breve this morning!

by ShakaraTheLexicographer August 19, 2010

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Oh my Cod

What awesome Call of Duty MW2 players say instead of using God's name in vain. Basically replace the word "God" with "Cod" in any way possible. . .Songs, chruch phrases, anything!

Oh my Cod, I banged her so hard last night

We are so young and reckless! OH MY COD!

Oh Cod, I'm going to puke

by (201) October 31, 2010

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oh my lanta

Definition unknown, though suspected it may be similar to "Oh my God" and "Oh my gosh".

Oh my lanta! I think I just soiled myself!

by Jimmy Pop Bo Bop November 20, 2003

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Oh My Damn!

When a guy sees a very HOT girl. The phrase is normally said to other guy friends as a secret guy code.
A.K.A. "OMD"

Franky "Oh crap do you see that girl over there?!"
Jonathan "Oh my Damn!"
Franky "Agreed"

by volcomishockey November 26, 2010

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