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dick teething

what it's called when a female gives a terrible blow job and uses her teeth, and in some cases where the female rips off dick skin.


Jessen- dude what happened to you this weekend?

Earl- this nasty bitch named Skylar dick teethed me. she ripped skin off my dicks head.

Jessen- don't trust a dick teething whore.

by yelak May 19, 2014

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stratford teeth

Having teeth of a neon white colour, bright enough so as to blind one if one were to stare too long. Stratford teeth are commonly caused by living in Stratford, Ontario and consuming the fluoride-spiked water.

Dominic lived so long in stratford that his teeth became a thermonuclear weapon. Thus, he had Stratford teeth.

by Sexorz August 16, 2006

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eyes and teeth

Nigger in the dark

What are those white things floating in the air...

by im black July 15, 2003

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A guy who has crooked teeth due to giving orally to other men.

"That guy totally has dick-teeth!"
"Freddie Mercury has a serious case of dick-teeth."

by pss121 March 23, 2009

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Chetta teeth

When a persons teeth have been neglected proper care that a yellow build up has developed on to the teeth.

Guy 1:"Did you see her teeth?"
Guy 2:"Nah, what's wrong wit em?"
Guy 1:"She gots Chetta teeth."
Guy 2:"Ahahaha, that nasty!"

by miggula November 4, 2007

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Knocking teeth

When your man hits his teeth off of your teeth when becoming intimate with each other.

Yo man I was knocking teeth with my girl the other night

by Ekalopsia June 7, 2019

starry teeth

Disgusting, fucked up teeth that are yellow and far apart like stars.

Ben: You see that lady at the checkout line, she had starry teeth, I could barely look at her.
Bella: What do you mean?
Ben: Her teeth were yellow and way far apart...

by Benjyrocket February 18, 2017