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Douche Nozzle

Similar to Douche Bag but with a more dirty feel. When the term Douche Bag is just not strong enough.... adding the drippy end makes it douche bag x 10.

That guy is a real "douche nozzle" ...

by Stinky Finger Friend February 13, 2014

Douche Nozzle

A person who you don't really want to talk with or be around, but for whatever reason, you end up needing to.

"The only way I get to go to that party is if I 'm that Douche Nozzle's date!"

by TravCharJess January 22, 2017

Douche nozzle

One with an excessive quality of douchiness. Someone who does moronic actions for the sole intent of douchifying everybody's day.

That douche nozzle just cut me off in traffic! I'm gonna ram my car so far up his ass he won't be able to shit for a week!

by Everyone's Favorite Nerd December 15, 2015

dick nozzle

benjamin Christopher Oliver lawton is a huge dick nozzle

ben is a dick nozzle

by Lolardizzy April 10, 2023


a way to describe NO!! without sounding too harsh. Pronounced no-z-ls, it is a feminine exclamation that can be used in a jocular manner or can be said with severity and get a guy to stop shagging you when you dont want it.
It must be said in a girly voice.

oh nozzles!! not my toes!!
oh nozzles, struan, i want chocolate cake!!
oh nozzles, im having sex!! NOZZLES!!!!

by Bugsy Scotland M January 18, 2008

Piss Nozzle

A nickname for a guy that has 2 brain cells. He thinks he’s a fucking genius when he’s far from it. Idk if I’ve ever met someone as stupid as fucking piss nozzle. You prolly got the shitty nickname for a reason. He acts irrationally, does a lot of drugs, and pisses his pants every night after the bar. He can be seen flirting with a dirty 4 at any party or function and his wife will probably leave him because everytime she comes home he’s got the liquor bottle in one hand and an 8ball he spent his whole paycheck on in the other hand.

“Hey have you met the guy over there flirting with that hideous girl?”

“Yea he introduced himself as PISS NOZZLE and then 30 seconds after we met asked me if I wanted to bump a line in the stall


Wank nozzle

Wank nozzle, a term used as a synonym for ‘dick’ or ‘dickhead’.

Ugh that boy is such a wank nozzle

by PigmentedPlum June 10, 2021