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tire fart

When your biking and your front tire rubs up against the person in front of you's back tire causing a sound similar to a fart.

Haha! Did you hear that tire fart?

by hewhosubmitswords September 10, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Im tired

When girls say that at night they actually go to sleep
When boys say that they read over the whole conversation and check if they said anything they shouldn't have said or anything that is Dumb

Her: Im tired so goodnight (Goes to sleep)
Him: Same, goodnight (starts reading over the conversation and realizes he fucked up big time

by ThatAaAaAaAasianGuy October 9, 2019

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tire shredder

A vehicle that requires the frequent replacement of its performance tires

Zero to sixty in ten seconds in my tire shredder

by HarmlessGirl March 6, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A chick who goes out with a guy ONLY for the benefit of his nice vehicle; usually a nice shiny jacked-up 4X4 truck with oversized tires, or even a hot sports car. Hence the name, "tire-biter."

Conversely, it CAN refer to a guy who goes with a girl solely for HER nice wheels.

That gal is a total tire-biter, she only wants him for his truck.

by Koby Fish May 31, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tired high

When you've been up for too long and you lose your shit, consists of long periods of uncontrollable laughter. Followed by gasps for breath.

(3:00 A.M.)
>Kevin: HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH..... (two minutes later)
>Minh: What's wrong with you!?
>Kevin: Nothing, I'm just tired high man

by SadWhaleDeepInOcean August 5, 2012

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tire in the face

What happens when you don't get out of the way of a tire rocketing at your face.

"What happened to Mary?"

"A tire, hit her in the face."

by Stevie June 22, 2004

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Canadian Tire

A franchised store from Canada that sells everything from automotive parts to Christmas trees.

I'm going to go buy some more motor oil at Canadian Tire

by Xelopheris February 4, 2005

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