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A human with no definable personality outside of the current cultural trends who came to be through strenuous and repeated attempts to fit in with a particular, and particularly horrible, crowd. They make a mildly annoying impression, if any at all, and are unaware of themselves and their social context. A tool can also be a douche, jackass, or Chet, but not all douches, jackasses, and Chets are tools.

I ran into Mike from high school, and yes, he's still a tool.

by annadoes December 18, 2015


Let's keep it simple. "Tool" is simply a re-Anglicization of the Yiddish slang "Putz" which means the same as the original American slang term "Dick" in both its direct literal and anatomical meanings and its indirect figurative ones. Any context where "Tool" works, the term "Putz" or "Dick" could be substituted. But if you did that, people would know you're a total tool.

LITERAL: "My tool feels like it's ready fall off after partying with Amber last nite."

FIGURUATIVE: "Don't invite Brett. He's such a tool. He's so fake and a jagoff loudmouth."

by Gr8WyteDope May 18, 2019


If post nut clarity were a band

"Hello, welcome to McDonalds, how may I be of service?"

"I listened to every tool song last night, I now understand space, and I finally understand that we are essentially, one mind, experiencing itself through personal experiences."

"Sir, is a McDonalds"

by I'm12yearsoldlol December 5, 2021



She she such a tool sleeping with everyone

by Zoiej2004 February 11, 2017


One who sits in the back of a physics class next to a basketball star. He is the one who copies everything he does to try to get attention. He thinks he is the greatest kid in the world, but actually he isnt. He is the kind of kid who would walk in the pouring rain just to wear someone else's shoes. And, he would be the kid to get upset with 2 A's and 2 A-'s

Zeke walked into school from the pouring rain. He wanted to wear Malcolm's shoes. He is a tool.

by tytyt434 November 22, 2009


One who walks/runs around without a shirt, wears their hat on backwards, spends their summer in just swim trunks because they love the way their 6 pack looks, even when it's 65 degrees and raining. Wants to be a model, and or post model type pictures on their facebook,twitter,tumblr account, talks to multiple women in the same day, has way to many friends on facebook that he has never seen in real life, is late to everything, and usually is capable of getting attention from women from their unusual ability of playing the drums very well, said the word SWAG more than three times in their life immediately classifies them as a classic tool. Or longboards everywhere because they cant drive yet / or bum a ride off a friend that day.

friend that is always a tool

by clay10roll May 28, 2012


A guy who is used, like a tool, he will drive you places and he will do you favors and a suckup

Me: Hey your a tool
Brian Porter:Yea ik

by Mel Van Solkama January 3, 2010