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A sane fan of Twilight.

"Fans of the series who are up for debate, free thought, and intelligent discussion rather than mindless praise of who’s the hottest character."


I wish all the Twilight Fans were as unbiased and open minded as the Twilighters. I'm tired of hearing about the looks of a fictional, godly statue.

Chav: "Twilight SUX! HE'Z NAWT REEL! G3T A L1F3!"
Twilighter: "Right, well, good luck with that. Too bad you don't speak so much the language as you chew on it and spit it out."

by VictoriaVolTORI March 30, 2009

39👍 28👎


Great if you run out of bog roll.

Kid: Mommy! Theres no toilet paper left!!
Mom: *Hands copy of Twilight over* Here you go, use this!
Kid: Whats this pile of shit?
Mom: You wipe your shit on it.

by Cassiopeia R December 23, 2011


1)N. The time between dawn and sunrise.

2)N. The most disgraceful attempt at a book in history, making a choice between Bestiality and Necrophilia sound, to a sad and depressed high school girl, like a good idea, written by a vary pathetic excuse for an author named Stephenie Meyer.

1) "Hi honey isn't twilight beautiful."

2) "The Fuck was that bitch Stephenie Meyer thinking, vampires are not emotional sissy boys, do not attend high school. DO...NOT...SPARKLE!!!"

by VampireKittyCat June 13, 2012


The time of evening in between daylight and darkness. During this time, it's no longer day, but not quite night.

"Twilight is a beautiful time of day, is it not?"

Remember back when when twilight was just a time of day? xD

by celerystalker19 May 25, 2011


To gang up on someone in a manner of 3 vs 1. Done by the three people aligning side by side and slowly approaching the lone one. As seen in the movie "Twilight."

Those three cars are all lined up and about to race each other straight at us! We're about to get twilighted!

by camcal May 1, 2011


What could have been a good book, just ended up being a big mess. A typical romance novel that no one will remember in 15 years. Though about 'vampires', the whole book is just describing the oh so handsome Edward, and about a girl who can't make a single decision in her life and will always depend in a guy. A lot of people complain about the book being gay, but the whole book is just horrible, besides, Twilight fans never discuss the characters, or the plot, or the sequence the events are put together. The bad stuff of Twilight could be:

1. lack of plot

2. And lack of character development

Twilight fan-"OMG, like Twilight is THE best book ever. Edward is so hawt, vampires are so cool, like I want to marry Edward cause he is so hawt."

Non fan-"Twilight a good book?"(goes back to reading A clockwork Orange)

by Mr. Mercury June 26, 2010


1. The time between dawn and sunrise, and sunset and dusk.

2. A romance book written by Stephenie Meyer about a vampire and a human.

1. Twilight is so pretty in areas not polluted with fog.

2. Person #1 Are you reading Twilight?

Person #2: Yeah.

Person #1: Any good?

Person #2: No.

by yokj6 October 12, 2010