Source Code

Boner Battle

A game where a group of guys watch porn and whoever gets a boner first loses.

I won the boner battle! Maybe I watch too much porn...

by anonyhorny October 23, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

battle toad

an extremely short, stubby chick who is in most cases quite ugly.

ideally 4'11, 140 pounds.

synonym: war pig

the difference between "battle toad" and "war pig" are that if you refer to a chick as a "battle toad" you are putting emphasis on how short she is she is. while, if you refer to a chick as a "war pig" you are emphasizing how fat she is (stubby is too politically correct).

Bruce Lee: Damn that girl was ugly u just got with, but at least her battle toad ass didnt have to duck down to suck you off!
Jose Contreras: Man, shut the fuck up or i will rip you into seventy-seven pieces!

by benny b from the bronx August 24, 2004

151๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battle Whore

A battle whore is an older woman (Usually around the age of someones grandmother) that dresses like she is still 17 and is a complete slut. Also she must have a few scars, wrinkles, or other noticeable blemishes of some kind. Similar to a Cougar but much more cock-hungry.

Guy #1: So last night I was at the bar and this old lady kept winking at me.

Guy #2: Eww, so what did you do?

Guy #1: I did what any drunk guy would do....

Guy #2: .......?

Guy #1: I slayed that Battle Whore.

by Mattock January 19, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

battle wounds

when you get cuts, bruises, or any injury from doing something fun or dangerous.

dude, where'f you get those battle wounds?!
we jumped off rossis roof onto her trampoline!

by juleseyyyy April 15, 2010

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Battle Chodes

A videogame that never took off due to being determined unsuitable for children. Originally developed and conceptualized by two enterprising young niglets from Frederick MD by the name of Dan and Max.

The general synopsis of Battle Chodes consisted of three Chodes named after Sexually Transmitted Diseases engaging in intergalactic urban warfare with a variety of enemies.

Signature moves included Ejaculating on enemies, Cock Smack to the face, and Shrinking in colder environments to evade detection.

The project was eventually scrapped due to ESRB regulations and development resumed under Rare as a new title dubbed "Battle Toads"

Rare bought the rights to develop what remained of the game, changed the name to Battle Toads and made the heros into loveable teenage frogs named after skin conditions, Rash, Zitz, and Pimple.

Man, Battle Toads totally ripped off Battle Chodes...that's some bullshit.

by ConsensualRapist August 2, 2011

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mom battle

When two people repeatedly say "your mom." to one another until one goes and gets their 9 to shoot the other one.

whitey #1: ur gay.
whitey #2: ur moms gay.
whitey #1: im going to get my 9.. i will be right back!
whitey #2: (yells) ur moms going to get her 9?

by Cait n Abs December 10, 2003

23๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Battle of Ontario

When the NHL's Toronto Maple Leafs and their arch-rivals, the Ottawa Senators, play each other. Intense during regular season but even more so during the playoffs. Every Battle of Ontario in the post-season has been won by the Maple Leafs(4-2 in 2000, 4-0 in 2001, 4-3 in 2002, 4-3 in 2004).

The Battle of Ontario will be decided tonight during game 7 at the Air Canada Center.

by stan21 April 25, 2006

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