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Liquid Tension Experiment

Musical Orgasm.
An amazing group of musicians that came together as a "supergroup" featuring:
Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci of Dream Theater
Jordan Rudess (Who later joined Dt)
and Tony Levin
They released 2 cds from 1998-1999
Both cds were completed in a week, and the majority was improvised.
They are going on a 10th anniversary tour pretty soon.

"If an alien race wanted to hear this planet's music, just give them the two Liquid Tension Experiment cds"

by tehgir May 21, 2008

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Maddi Mobley Experience

A modern drug, usually induced through eyedropper, that produces an intense hallucinogenic experience and a desire to be wrong/offensive. Often equated to lsd, and manufactured in predominantly white, suburban neighborhoods, the DEA is cracking down on the suppliers.

Pantea looked differnent today, and she barley talked to me in the hall!
Yeah, she was enlightened by the Maddi Mobley Experience

by Ronald Via June 2, 2010

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Windows Experience Index

W.E.I is a microsoft tool which rates your computers processor, memory, graphics, gaming graphics, and primary hard disk. The W.E.I gives you a number which is meant to give you an idea of what software you should get for your PC. It also gives you ideas of what you should upgrade to increase performance.

Guy 1: Dude, i'm gonna buy Microsoft Flight Simulator
Guy 2: You fucking noob, flight sim recommends a windows experience index of 5. your computer only rates 3.5. its gonna run like shit.

by Ranga O_o December 13, 2009

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Near Snuffkin Experience

When one performs the act of Blumpkin, nearly dies, has to be resuscitated and survives, living to tell the tale.

Granddad: Hey did I ever tell you kids about my Near Snuffkin Experience?

Grandchild: No, please do go on.

by The Juggernaught November 1, 2009

mile high experience

jacking off in the cabin of an aircraft mid flight

Kirstin: How was the flight?
Ben: It was mediocre, and then i went to the lavatory and enjoyed the mile high experience.

by Brunzology October 23, 2017

Gold Experience Requiem

It’s basically God. Also the physical definition of an Uno reverse card. Also sends you to a death loop. Just don’t fuck with it, or Giorno Giovanna.

Gold Experience Requiem: I’m basically god motherfucker.

by Pimpleapps April 27, 2021

Near COVID experience

When you escape infection, because you missed a meeting with a person, that turned out to be infected.

"Hey babe, remember when you wanted to come over, but decided stay home?"
"Yeah, your roommate tested positive next day."
"That's what I call a near COVID experience."

by TheInfectious February 6, 2022