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Hottie McHotface

An extremely hot piece of Ass that their name becomes irrelevant.

Girls see Robert Pattinson randomly in the streets of London:
Homosapien 1: OMG check out Hottie McHotface over there!
Homosapien 2: Eeeepppp! what's his name again???
Homosapien 1: Erm *salivates* i dunno Fred or Bob or George...something like that anyway

by Charles Puffington the Fourth December 27, 2008

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Hotty Toddy

A traditional yell of coming out of the closet for University of Mississippi men. The women at Ole Miss join in with their gay men because they appreciate their interior design skills.

Are You ready (to take it you know where)
Hell Yes, Damn Right!
Hotty Toddy Gosh Almighty! We sure look good in pink. Bim Bam Flim Flam our team truly stinks!

by latiger January 24, 2009

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uber hottie

The kind of girl you'd bite your own hand off for. And then shit out your hand and eat it again, and it's all covered in shit this time. And then you'd stick your other hand up your bum to try and fish out the first hand but then the second hand gets stuck and when you try and yank it out it rips off as well and now you've got no hands cos they're both stuck in your ass but you don't care cos she's such an uber hottie!

That really fit girl off that thing that I like.

by cheddarfloor April 20, 2005

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The attitude a 'hottie' gives off to the world!

'That Majenica, check her out in all her hottiness!'

by kkgrafx April 16, 2010

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hottie mcfly

A really hot girl that you see randomly

look at that hottie mcfly walkin over there

by Jordan Dizzywizzle May 22, 2008

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Hottie Boom

an extremely attractive girl

Wow, look at the hottie boom over there!

by skyhawk824 June 11, 2010

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A play on the term Porta-Potty. We all like to have things we need and enjoy wherever we go, sooooo a Porta-Hotty is an incredibly realistic and HOT blow up doll (male or female...yes, I'm a fagalong) This "doll" would have "hot" parts such as mouth, penis, vaginer and asshole (warmers inside them)So that they would not only be hot in the superficial sense but also in the practical sense. The Porta-Hotty can suck peenus better than the average living person. I know you may never have seen a Porta-Hotty, but watch they'll be all the rage within months of this post.

Driver: what's the matter Homer?

Homer: I gotta boner ready to bust at the backveinseam!

Driver: Oh, don't worry, reach into the blue box in the back and pull out my Porta-Hotty. You'll have to blow her before she blows you"

minutes later...

Homer: omfg she's HAWT, where can I get a porta-hotty?"

Driver: "Lots of places, I got mine at K-Ymart."

by Cathi Robertson July 18, 2008

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