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Jesus Nudes

they said Jesus news, you hear Jesus nudes.

give them Jesus Nudes.

by nigerianprince August 12, 2019


To have a nude afternoon together with good company, picnics, beach walks and other shenanigans. In particular relevant as part of the nudist community

Hey, let's go after-nuding together?

by Wildboltstorm October 7, 2020

No Nudes November

No nudes november,
meaning that No guys/girls are allowed to send nudes during the Month (November)

you will be stuck and your erection will be gone.

No nudes november, stay neutral

by RetardedSerena December 22, 2020

nude yoga

Yoga preformed nude! With touch sessions!

Thomas and Lauri went the nude yoga class specifically for the touch session.

by Massiveass April 5, 2017

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Full Nude

1.) To take off all your clothes.
2.)To do something intense or hardcore.
3.)A meaningless word used as an adjective in Dayton, Ohio, often strewn together with other meaningless adjectives.

"Oh wow, full nude, I can't believe you had sex with three girls in one night in your parents bed."

"Tom took off all his clothes; he went full nude."

"Oh shit, oh fuck, ultimate-ultimate, straight penetrate, full nude, big pig, big baby."

by Jeff Olt January 18, 2008

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Halo in the Nude

Invited by me on Halo 2, I hate all of you that stole my idea, I knew it was dumb to send a tell to everyone, but it's mine!

One night I got out of the shower, Halo was on... Didn't really feel like taking the time away from playing to get dressed, so I sat down. Thus starting Halo in the nude as we know it.

by Jonnio August 25, 2005

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Fake Nudes

Sending nudes which aren't your own.

I didnt send a picture of me they were Fake Nudes.

by SCWar October 18, 2017

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