It's that fake hedgehog again.
Sonny: The reason I'm in here is because of that fake hedgehog!
Amy: This again?
Reasons to engage in banter for someone else. For example, doing something stupid for banter.
Let's evolve some pokemon for banter reasons
When someone blocks you and you don't know why.
Help! Someone blocked me for no reason on Sketchers United!
Hym "The same reason? See? I was correct. They can smell the fat cocks and are selecting on the basis. Yeah, it's over. I'm just going to kill a kid and myself. Do yourselves a favor and kill as many as you can before you die."
The best Netflix series ever made, about a girl who commits suiced before the movie started. She, Hannah Baker, records thirteen tapes of herself before she kills herself, and there are thirteen different people that were supposed to be the reason that se died. the person that we get to follow is Clay Jensen, who was good friends with Hannah, who died. Clay tries to find out why he and the others are the reasons she died.
Have you seen the series " thirteen reasons why" on Netflix?
Yeah, its the best, such a good serie!
1👍 1👎
Oh boy, he's the best person you'll ever meet, hes super tall and attractive, has somewhat of an e-boy style, super cute boy. his hands are as soft as his lips.
Friend: Oh this one boy is so cute!
Other friend: Must be a Reason!
Everything happens for a reason, even if the reason is not apparent to you.
What happened to him/her didn't happen without a reason, even if he/she didnt know what the reason was.