A complain about how modern people make Thier decisions.
HUMANITY REVIEW: What the fuck is wrong with all these people. Hello! I'm Nobel and I'm gonna present to you my new tool that will allow us to gain resources way faster..... Or FUCK UP some people.... That's cool too!
Ladies and gentlemen! Today we have nuclear power that will guarantee hundreds of people energy..... and death!
A quick once over of all your online accounts with the possibility of sending people messages. Mostly to make sure you didn't say anything incriminating while intoxicated.
"Let me check Facebook real quick, I have to make a quick morning after review so I know I didn't do anything I'll regret"
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A play on words referencing an original attraction at disneyworlds epcot center the astuter computer review which ran from 1982-1984. The updated version would by extension refer to any webcam or adult sites which have women engaged in.shall we say
Non Disney extracurricular activities!
I completed my a kooter komputer review. Now I'm ready when to. Cum for finals!
A thinly blurred line of youtuber and pedophile .
i heard that guy is an Online Movie Reviewer... disgusting.