Source Code

Reminder Storm

When everyone sitting around you in an office has the same appointment and you hear everyone’s cell phone reminder for that appointment go off at the approximately the same time.

I was walking by finance when a reminder storm hit.

by KrisAtx June 5, 2012

962πŸ‘ 813πŸ‘Ž

Sandy Storm

When you're doing a girl on the beach and then right as you finish you pull out, grab a handful of sand, and throw it in her face and run.

Liz was soo shocked when I pulled a sandy storm on her.

by Frank Zamora July 27, 2006

30πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Storming Flower

Storming Flower is one of Ling Xiaoyu's moves from the Tekken. She simply rams right into her opponents with a left strike in the stomach and blast's em. It's a very powerful move. To do this move tap downback and square.

Note: On a clean hit it takes more damage off the opponent and she can also taunt afterwards on a counter hit.

by Unknown January 24, 2005

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Blame Storming

Where an organisation gets toether to pick out a suitable excuse or scapegoat.

After a good blame storming session Doctor Martins shoe company decided to blame the job losses on the effects of 9/11.

by Matt Eagles October 23, 2003

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Snow Storm

When a guy cums in a womans butthole while she is upside down butthole sticking towards the sky and the woman farts and creates a snow storm.

I didnt want to get her pregnant and wanted a scene so i gave her a snow storm

by cfb September 14, 2006

39πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

storm damage

When you go to fart and accidentally follow through this is the damage caused to your boxers

That was one hell of a curry last night. I went to fart this morning and followed through, it caused major storm damage

by bigyellowman September 22, 2007

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


When there is a series of related tweets or other messages between a group of people, that has been discussed many many times before - and nothing new or interesting is ever said.

"oh f*ck, people debating whether everyone's a designer or not AGAIN. It's such a yawn-storm"

by Wandster June 24, 2019