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Ghost Track

When you hear the lyrics to a song and search for the name of it, but can find absolutely nothing related to it

Damn it! I really like the music but searching for the lyrics won't help. Must be a ghost track.

by Shocklore January 19, 2020

track house

The Trap and the crack house combined in perfect union

Sam said Velma stay outta the track house... Your to high to make that deal!!!!

by rodcocker June 16, 2017

Off track

When school is over and summer break has started.

Do you have school tomorrow? No im off track.

by GreenJonathan June 9, 2018

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posi tracks

To take a crap and leave streaks of shit on the inside of a toliet bowl.

Bob: Hey man you might want to clean your toilet.
Doug: Why is that?
Bob: I left so many posi tracks on that toilet it looks like the tire marks from a nascar doing a victory celebration.

by grabber383 December 7, 2010

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tinkle tracks

The spots of pee that are visable on a gals pants or skirt after taking a pee. Usually caused by excessive alcohol or being in a hurry.

Cindy was in such a hurry to get to her meeting that she had tinkle tracks on her pants after she left the bathroom.

by Mister Wunderful October 17, 2007

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bomb track

Another term for cool that soccer players use on a regular basis because they think saying bomb track is actually bomb track.

Mama: So Bryan, how was your evening last night?
Bryan: Yo, um dude, so check it out, I took down a big Hebrew National last night, and that shit was bomb track.
Mama: I love you

by jimmythegun January 25, 2008

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track record

A person's history of intense relationships (such as boyfriend /girlfriend or one night stand) with (usually) the opposite sex. Usually used to gauge whether it's worth it to go after someone.

"I was thinking about going after the girl in my math class, but then I found out her track record and she's all about the bling."

by Nicholas Lai September 4, 2005

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