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Rory Tucker

A strange creature
Hide yourselves
He's norping around the corner
Smell it you baboon
you, stinky, stinky baboon
I eat lemons like you for lunch
and yorkshire pudding for breakfast
break fast
or you'll die
norp in
norp out.

Yo, rory tucker, you got any aids
rory: Nope all out i'm afraid have a look in the popsickle drawer.

by coonkiller666 October 15, 2012

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Tucker Up


When an African-American man chooses to hang about exclusively with a man from the Orient.

(Potentially to fight crime, but also for more casual pursuits)

1. My man Darnell figured his group of friends wasn't multicultural enough, so he's just decided to Tucker Up for a week or two.

by IceFergLettuce March 25, 2019

Tucker lacey

Tucker lacy is the definition of a fucking pussy. He has a fat symbol on his dick that says no box allowed. The only pussy he's ever seen is jasmine rous's stretched out pussy. The literal definition of "dirty box"/ "perms sloppy seconds".

Tucker Lacey is addicted to torn up beavah

by Beavah123 April 4, 2023

Tip Tucker

A person who makes the asshole tucker right back in after a tounge pierces the tip of it with another cock

I tied my husband to the bad , blindfolded him & had another man tip tucker h uhh s pouched out hirny asshole

by WABBIT TWAKER June 5, 2015

Tucker Toilet

A toilet that requires males to tuck their junk down into the bowl out of fear of urinating on or over the rim whilst dropping a deuce.

A Tucker Toilet is identifiable by either a very short bowl, from front to back, and/or if the Toilet Seat Bumpers are higher than average.
The short bowl will naturally bring the front rim closer to the tip of your dick. Often a sudden cold sensation of accidental contact is made, which is amongst the most horrifying things that can happen to a man in private. At least with a short bowl, this sensation can be taken as a warning against what could have happened.
When the seat has high bumpers, however, one can often find themselves pissing on top of the front edge of the bowl without warning, causing a Uriniagara Falls down the front of the toilet.. possibly soaking the back of your jeans.

Performing a Peter Tucker is necessary for these bathroom traps.

"Dude.. watch those public stalls. All are tucker toilets."
"I give this hotel a 2 star rating, only because of the Tucker Toilets. Do your Housecleaning staff a favour, and replace those toilets with something men can use! I aint cleaning up that mess!"

by Basque JRED September 2, 2015

Tucker Swaim

A guy who calls many things cringe yet watches hentai on daily basis in his mother's basement. He is very racist and no one likes him. Watches furry hentai too even though he swears he hates furries.

"yo it tucker swaim"

by VESSSPAAAMANNN August 12, 2022

The Tucker special

When you go to dab up your friend but instead you crush their hand in a vice grip handshake;
Doing literally anything to someone/something.

โ€œI gave that man the Tucker special.โ€

by WillyWonka422 May 22, 2023