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mcgina twerk

When you open your legs and take your undies off and let your fanny flaps slap together back and forward while twerking making a slapping suction noise

Her:hey mum listen to me do my Mcgina twerk it’s so fucking funny

by Hey hey bitches October 27, 2018

snorkal twerk

When a person is twerking and laughing so hard that they snort along with their twerking. It makes a funny sound that comes from their mouth, their throat, and their nose.......

I was so bad I snorkal twerked all over the place.

by Cubby Cubster March 4, 2016


When a ratchet spends all day snap chatting twerk videos trying to get that dick
Also a term used by ratchets to describe extremely basic ass selfie videos of themeslves twerking alone in their bedroom or other places that aren't directly related to anything involving the need to be dancing or being turnt up

"Yo your sister been in her room all day net-twerking and blasting kesha"
"Ya that's all she does is net-twerk and eat ice cream and fight with our parents about how she's mature and should be treated like an adult"

Ratchet 1-' yo girl you seen my posts I been net-twerking all day trying to get turnt up'
Ratchet 2- 'ya I seen it you've got that net-twerk life down girl we should have a circle net-twerk session and get turnt up my moms not gonna be him till tomorrow'

by PIRATE February 9, 2015

Nut Twerking

The act of swinging your testicles back and forth making a noise as if someone was clapping.

When I was in the shower I got bored and started Nut Twerking.

by MythlyRaven October 11, 2013

5👍 1👎

Reset Twerk

When you’re frustrated, tired, or in pain, just hit a subtle two second twerk and all your problems will go away.

I was super pissed off with my wife last night, but I just did a reset twerk then everything was fine.

by Doctorsexy August 24, 2022

Twerk Brownie

A game; When a girl is twerking, have her shit, either in her pants or on the floor. The players pick up the shit, bake it along with brownies, and the ones who eats the shit loses.

That was a nasty game of Twerk brownie!

by Hallowedbthyhandle March 2, 2015

ball twerk

The act of testicles twerking. Flying back and forth.

Brandon: Cara said your balls are so tiny!

Joe: Oh yeah, I'll ball twerk right now!

by VirginCatLadies June 21, 2014