A sex move in which a man, while performing anal sex, ejaculates inside of his partner's anus, waits for his penis to become flaccid without removing it, then urinates.
"I took her home and gave her The Full Dumpster."
When you always go all out ferda boys and G and it’s just a wild night and like cronknato is flyin
Ben and Georgia are going full send tonight holy shit !!
“Never a time when we’re not going full send”
-Ben and Georgia
Doing something to it’s fullest potential with no hesitation.
Bro: I don’t know if I should do this.
Me: Full Send eh?
*Bro Sends It*
A full send is a depressed country boy trying to go out in a badass way so his mom doesn’t have to read his suicide nkte
“Aye bro, you good? life 360 says your running 130 mph”
“Yea I'm good man, thanks brother, full send”
1) Not holding back, not hesitating
2) Firing a weapon in full auto
3) Proceeding with a course of action that may have consequences, because the benefits outway the risks.
You're surrounded by the enemy and all your comrades are dead. The enemy is advancing on your position to kill you. You need to kill as many of them as possible before they kill you, by sending the max amount of lead downrange. You insert your last magazine and switch from semi to auto. Full send.
The best fucking phrase on all of the internet. This originated by the NELK channel on youtube and is continuously used and exploited by 10 year olds that dont even full fucking send
What you do:
Dad: What are you watching
You: quickly closes porn tab
What you want to do:
Dad: What are you watching
You: FULL FUCKING SEND -Flops out dick-
A full send is another way of saying "sleepover" for very uncool people who like to play infinite warfare with the bois all night long.
Person 1: wanna have a sleepover?
Person 2: dont you mean full send.
Person 1: what the frick is that?!
Person 2: bruh, a....
*Person 2 hesitates to say the word "sleepover"*
Person 2: party with the bois
Person 1: no it's a sleepover get it right noob