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Freaky William

what if instead of william it was freaky william, and instead of being a cool fisherman, he was a cool fish for men

bro, you were such a freaky william last night, the guys could not stop looking at you

by freakywilly May 23, 2024

Tristen Williams

A girl who is down to do anything She is the type of girl who likes to party wit she mean sum times but a girl that is thiccc wit a triple c overall she is a fun person to hang out wit

Person 1 look there’s Tristen Williams

Person 2 let’s go to her party

by Pussy murder aka danner December 26, 2018

Tristen Williams

Tristen Williams is a fun girl that likes to party and is down to do almost anything she’s a good friend that’s not fake and a bad girl but good person overall she’s a really fun person to be wit

Person 1 look there’s Tristen Williams

Person 2 let’s go party wit her

by Pussy murder aka danner December 26, 2018

Purley Williams

A big burly black baddie with a fatty, Purley Williams is a beautiful man and loves handling balls

I hope I can meet Purley Williams

by SupremeOtter September 27, 2023

William Wallacing

To attack a retreating person or force, only to fail and become a martyr for it.

Jim: Hey, did you see Marco william wallacing Spencer?

Tom: Yeah, tried to calm Spencer down, but got knocked out in one hit, now everyone loves him because he got his ass beat.

by A_White_Guy September 21, 2014


A cutie that’s full of mystery, he acts normal but that’s just a front. He’s goofy, but serious. He has a sublime secrecy, but that’s what’s interesting about him.

Girl; William Cluff is so fast!
Friend; I know.

by sheprobablylikesyou October 19, 2019

William Frontflip

In 1316 in medieval Europe, John Backflip performed the first backflip without the use of witchcraft. His nemesis, William Frontflip, exiled him, believing that he had used witchcraft. William Frontflip then performed the first frontflip in 1318 using witchcraft, but was never exiled. To this day, people still believe that William Frontflip had copied John Backflip's invention.

Person 1: Did you know William Frontflip copied John Backflip?
Person 2: Of course, what an asshole.

by Jadenettegatoenjoyer11111 August 14, 2024