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David ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Used to describe a scenario, place , or person in strong affection. Nowadays internet slang has taken ahold of the meaning and has interpreted it as a word to use for someone you feel attracted to or have strong feelings for.

Original meaning :

"The presentation of the food was amazing, it was David ( ꈍᴗꈍ)".

Slang term:

" I have to tell u something I have feelings for u I think you're David."

by Kaiiver August 2, 2021

To do a David

To do a David; when you're undertaking any boring or monontanous task. Derived from the name David - that guy who drives an orange Renault Megane but calls it African Sunset.

What you get up to this weekend? Oh, just doing a David. What's that? You know, To Do a David; planting the front garden border, insulating the loft, washing the Megane.

by Lionking69 June 1, 2017

David Delancy IV

The most loyalist Lightskin in Broward and He’s tough asf at hooping.

Girl is that David Delancy IV!?
That boy David Delancy IV is tough on the court.

by DavidsMindset March 20, 2021

David Cameron

The most chad British PM ever.

Guy 1: Whose your favorite British PM?

Guy 2: David Cameron. Bad bitch is sexy af. Makes me wish I was gay

by Kralja June 4, 2024

Melanie and David

Melanie and David are like peas and carrots, two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly...they are twin souls united as one, soulmates who's love withstands the sands of times... Their motto is Us2 Eternally! If one doesn't exist, then the other doesn't either.... There's no Melanie without David...

Melanie and David; Fairy Tale come to life. A Real life Love story with a Happily ever after. Their love story is plain for all to see... They're simply, Meant to be!

by Us2Eternally January 13, 2022

david keever

STRONG as fuck! Popular by 8th grade! Gamer! becomes a FAMOUS gamer by 9th Grade!

Omg look it's David Keever !!

by Idk who I is! May 14, 2014

david hunter

Silver and gold. my friend doesn't shut up about him. West end actor with a big nose sorry xoxo.

He has played charlie price, Dr Pommater, Guy in once, Company of One man two governors. He trained at LIPA school for acting. Born in Warrington UK (Poor guy). I do not know anything else. Anywhoo thats all i have to say. Look him up if you want idc

Goodnight x

(Ps he looks like a typical dad and triggers my daddy issues :,()

Holly: David Hunter

Jeff: David Hunter triggers my daddy issues

by Anneboleynpan1522 September 7, 2020