of or denoting one of the three persons.
While "personal" can refer to grammatical person (first person, second person, third person), it's less common than other definitions. In this context, a more natural sentence might be:
The verb "walk" is conjugated differently depending on the personal pronoun (I walk, you walk, he/she/it walks).
existing as a self-aware entity, not as an abstraction or an impersonal force.
He rejected the notion of a personal God
an advertisement or message in the personal column of a newspaper; personal ad.
In the days before online dating, many people looked for love through placing a personal ad in the newspaper's "personals" section.
For not you to tell.
Personal is not for everyone. (check out definition of everyone.)
Hey that information is Personal!
emo boy who is cool admin and is very emo
personal is one of the coolest admins because he is emo and very cool