1. Another word of marijuana aka weed etc.
2. A very strong or muscular person
Niall: OMG Abdul Latif is such a tree! :o
Shane: Yea ino holy shit and so is David Belle
A small of large hard thing that erects from the ground. They are usually brown but there are White ones too there just a little smaller, and they have smaller ones that come out off it and resembles green hair.
Guy 1 "what's that huge brown thing?"
Guy 2 "oh, that's a tree."
the most awesome person you will ever meet
omg is that tree?
Guys dont use this site is full of sick people, if you are a minor and you have a parent watching dont use this please, i will save you, since normally this site isnt revised a lot, there might been some innapropiate words or literally different things than the ones you asked for, however, if you are looking for the definition of tree here it is: woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower part
Yesterday i saw how someone was cutting the tree outside my home-