and he should unblock her immediately
bunny loves mike so mike please unblock bunny immediately ❤️
Lesbians who can hole themselves back. They always have to hop on some cunt that's passing by.
You heard about Jessica? Yea, she quite a Cunt Bunny! You should talk to her.
Agent bunny has a pisskink. That says enough but anyways, even though they have a pisskink he is still very dope. If you ever need someone to talk to go to Agent bunny.<3
Omg is that Agent bunny. I heard that they are one of the best people.
A pair of keys attached by a one segment chain that then resembles a rabbit, the two keys serving as ears…
“To get into my house you’ll need this Key Bunny.”
A person who tries to act like they know what they are doing even though they know don't have a clue.
A bluff bunny will lie about something in an attempt to not look stupid or uneducated; though all ways proving the ladder.
Bluff Bunny: "Can I borrow your clippers?"
Owner: "Do you know how to use them?"
Bluff bunny: "Ya! I'm not stupid"
Owner: "Why does my clippings brush have oil all over it?"
Bluff bunny: "I put some razer oil on the blade and spred it around, that's what you're suppose to do."
Owner: "NO! you stupid bluff bunny! The kit comes with a different, smaller blade brush, and it's for CLEANING not painting with oil!"
To brownnose to over complement...
You don't got to fluff my bunny....
Dad was in the garden and I said “Quit farting!” but he said it was the grumble bunnies