A form of self-presentation that connotes that one is a big stinking deal. This is actually hardly ever the case, especially in backwards places like the Midwest, where everyone is middle-classed and buys their clothing from an outlet mall. However, to imitate one who is worthy of coolness is to have a coolness aura is to be cool.
"I can't write him back right away. It will destroy my coolness aura."
"I only hand out a like every once and a while to maintain my coolness aura."
"I gave her a nasty look. Not for any real reason. Unless that reason is coolness aura..."
Basically means like ima fuhh wit ya so like ima talk to you later .
“Aight ima cool you “
It’s kinda a trend on Instagram . All you gotta do is take a picture and go on giph, look up “glasses”. Pick a good lookin glasses and your done . AND U GONNA LOOK POPPIN🤠🤩🤩!
Lauren thought responding by saying “cool corn” was funny.
A rapist who is cool. Aka Adam Vickory Montecito high school Ramona CA 92065
wow that is one cool rapist named thumb
a work friendly way to say calm your tits ; the only way to tell a bitch to calm down
Margaret: omg I fucking hate you
Bob: cool your tools margaret