He’s fat and cheats on his girl
“Come on bro, don’t be a billy”
Referencing A pistol .
I gotta always keep a billy on me.
I keep that billy on my hip just in case.
A person with a fat long lock.
He is an alpha male .
Alpha male , fat long cock .
Catholic Swimming Robot from the Bronx.
Billy Billy is so silly.
Billy is a big fat chin dribbler. Most born Billy’s are usually retarded and have no common sense. They are annoying and deserve to live in a bin.
No game. Big legs. Has shrunken over the years. Gets himself into fights that he cannot handle with his mouth. Once banged his head, not hard enough obviously. Has been hurt by many girls and is often known as a “intense” or “needy” man. Meldrum alice
Billy has no game
Billy has a rather small penis
Billy is so average
Billy is kinda fat
Billy is an amazing funny guy who everyone loves. He's one of the biggest goofballs ever, and has an immaculate taste in music. You could listen to him talk and ramble all day and never get bored of him. Even though he's a bitchboy, he has major monster pp energy. If you're ever feeling down, you know you can go to him, and he'll cheer you up right away. We all love billy, and if you don't, then who cares!
person 1 : yo, did you see that totally rad dude over there ?!
person 2 : yeah, he's a total billy !
person 1 : let's go talk to him !