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No u

The #2 best come back the #1 best comeback is drum roll please Uno reverse card

A:yo mama have a is have big stupid
B: no u๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘Œ

by ๐Ÿ‘Œ('0')๐Ÿ‘Œ July 14, 2019


No its U

u giey
no u

by LoLBiTxD September 11, 2018

no u

This phrase is a masterpiece.

no u

by BishDing December 20, 2019

no u

The words โ€˜no uโ€™ can get you out of any argument, no matter what it is.

Ryan: your bad at minecraft

Ben: no u

by m0llyyss December 22, 2020

No u

A word you use to reverse things :)

If someone calls u fat just say "No u."

by Unknown177 November 1, 2019

no u

โ€œNo uโ€ is known as one of societies most offensive and demolishing comebacks. There is no way to avoid these words, nor respond to them. If these words are said to you, you just simply sit their and accept your ultimate and eternal defeat.

person: โ€œur mom gayโ€
super cool dude ever: โ€œno uโ€
person: *dies*

by Akakakakkakakakkakakkakaka April 3, 2019

no u

Used when there it no logically based argument available and short, meme-ish comeback is all one has to give, based mainly on one's own emotional, subjective point of view.

Intelligent person: *Gives a logically based conclusion.*
You: "No u."
Intelligent person: *Goes to minds their own business, letting you to do your own mistakes.*

by Annaria January 21, 2022