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Has big pp. has friends that live in his hood. and friends outside. loves to shred.

Ethan is a shredder

by (378jay October 16, 2020


Has a Dick longer than any other dumb "this Name has a long Dick" No. This Ethan has the longest dick and immediately beats all other dicks. Go shove your long Dick up your own Ass!

Gurrllllll, I just had Sex with Ethan hes got a Dick longer than Brian!!

by Blackwillow73@aol.com May 19, 2020


his favorite catchphrase is " I'd like you to know." Thinks he is Matthew McConaughey
drives a 2002 buick calls it Tralier Trash Tammy and runs out of gas in front of boyfriends dorm in front of German twins
He hits traffic cones for fun
changes his major every other week
everyone is out to get him. Always receives dirty looks

that ethan just ran over a traffic cone

by IKittywinters September 19, 2019


An Ethan is described to have the sexiest shoulders in the west.

Brenda "Oh my god look at that hunks shoulders he must be and Ethan"

by SuperDude303030 June 2, 2020


Gay kid with no life trust me keep your girl, mom and sis beside you he will hit them from back

Omg you just took my mom you Ethan

by Yourmomsdadsbrotherdied988766 October 6, 2018


no, just no


by Marcago February 13, 2022


A guy who is not that popular or hot, but he accepts that and doesn't care about what people think about him. He also is a bit weird when it comes to his interests, but look past that, he somehow manages to get all the ladies even though he's not hot nor popular. Now that there ladies and gentleman, is a story of a fricking savage!

Look at that guy over there with his hot girlfriend!

Yeah, that's Ethan. He's not popular but damn, he's got the girls!

by batts2005 December 12, 2017