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"Price is Right" Rule

The "Price is Right" rule is used in any game or contest where the one closest to the target number without going over is the winner.

We all bet $25 each we could guess the fat guy's weight using the "Price is Right" rule.

by Joobilee71 April 2, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Australian Rules football

Imagine a game of soccer.
Now take the following steps to reduce the skill as much as possible;
1) Remove the crossbar, so the ball can be kicked 10 meters over the opponents heads and still be a goal.
2) Reward the players with 1/6th of a goal for missing the target.
3) Remove the offside rule, so the forwards literally just stand around in front of their oppositions' goal and wait for someone to kick the ball to them.
4) Allow players to use their hands to catch and punch the ball.
5) Carrying on from point 4), give a player a free kick every time they catch the ball.
6) Change the shape of the ball so that it can travel further when kicked. This will help reduce the amount of passing ( = teamwork) needed to get the ball from one end of the field to another.
7) Remove all strategy. Make supporters so dumb that they actually *complain* when teams employ basic tactics such as flooding the defence, holding up the ball to look for a decent pass and running the clock down while keeping possession at the end of a match.

Now add some silly and fairly arbitary rules such as;
1) It is against the rules to push a player in the back, but it is allowed to run in from behind him, jump up, stick your knees into his back and catch the ball.
2) If you tackle (= bear hug & throw to the ground) a player, you get a free kick. Unless the umpire decides the tackled player did not have a chance to get rid of the ball before/while he was being tackled, in that case the umpire will bounce the ball instead. Unless in the course of the tackle you pushed him in the back - in that case he gets the free kick. Understand?

There you go, that is Australian Rules Football.

I don't have the skill required to play soccer, so I play Australian Rules Football instead.

by Petszk October 17, 2005

1054๐Ÿ‘ 515๐Ÿ‘Ž

australian rules football

australian rules football can be described as the most skilless and effiminate form of football. Supporters are Australian possessing an IQ well below the requirements for basic shoe lace tying. Supporters are easily brainwashed by the AFL into thinknig that the sport is the most skillfull and physically tough sports around. In reality it possesses none of the skills and fancy footwork used in football, none of the physical strength toughness and fast hands needed for both forms of rugby.

Game is best described as: a bunch of sweaty blokes humping each other to the ground to get a touch of the oppositions arse and balls.

australian rules football= winter training for cricket

Tool: Bro lets watch a game of footy.
Real Auuseie: Fu.ck of back to melbourne you poof!

by muzza_#1 October 26, 2005

790๐Ÿ‘ 384๐Ÿ‘Ž

Facebook Limit Rule

The rule that no person shall make more than three Facebook moves in one night. This includes status updates, comments, likes, and sharing links. A preventative measure from being one of those annoying people who doesn't shut up on Facebook.

Guy 1 - "Dude, like my status."

Guy 2 - "Sorry bro! I already commented on a status, shared a link, and liked another status. Anymore Facebook moves will make me seem annoying and addicted!"

Guy 1 - "Damn Facebook Limit Rule."

by jsea483 January 11, 2011

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

5 second rule

A rule describing the amount of time that a magical force field surrounds a dropped piece of food, after which the force field drops and the food can become dirty and not edible

Shaniqua dropped her Oreos on the floor, but she still ate them because of the 5 second rule.

by CoolNameHere July 11, 2004

82๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

fortune cookie rule

When reading a fortune, add the words "in bed" to the end of the sentence. Hilarity ensues.

You will make friends with a new co-worker... in bed.

by Mr. Stabby March 16, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rule Number One

No fat chicks.

A: "I'm gonna go talk to that girl over there playing video games. She looks lonely."
B: "Better not do that, man."
A: "What? Why not?"
B: "Rule Number One."

by yaolinglingjiu October 17, 2009

239๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž