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Free Lippin It

When a female has just a shirt on and no pants or underwear.

Yo, have you ever seen shelly, she's always free lippin it in the lockerroom

by Rhettsterz February 15, 2019

give me the beat boys and free my soul

Chicken Butt

give me the beat boys and free my soul Chicken butt ur mom

by tupu12321 February 13, 2025

Free ballin’

Free ballin is when you go out with no underwear just shirt and pants.no underwear at all and you just go out to places or be at home like that

He/she was free ballin’ in the gym!”

by Starlight_Angels January 19, 2025

Free Birding an Intersection

When a driver accelerates through a yellow light knowing full well that shit will turn red before they get in the intersection. If done properly, the driver will end up running a red light.

Often, passengers will scream "FREE BIIIIIIRD!" for the duration of the intersection.

See also: Pennsylvania Left, Pittsburgh Left

"Dude I nearly died today, some jagoff was Free Birding an Intersection during rushour!"
"No way, was that the 3 car pileup at North and Main?"
"No, that guy was making a Pennsylvania Left."

by lordg52 June 10, 2022

free and nini

The day two bad bitties got tg

National free and nini day bitch

by Uhmnidoesntno September 22, 2020


The act of spawning or giving birth to something that only serves the best interests of themselves, or someone they are aligned with, regardless the moral correctness of their acts. Supporting known liars or endorsing immoral behavior is an act of "free-mothering."

Sarah Sanders is a free-mothering voice for all of the immoral acts of the current President.

by Li Li Marleaux January 6, 2019

spongebob free run

Free running in a stupid or otherwise retarded way. Usually means fucking up parkour

Man1: hey have you tried free running?
Man2: no I feel like it'd be like spongebob free run

by Gingagon June 23, 2014