Having a venereal disease
- sorry, can't have sex right now. I'm a no fly zone
A dude who puts chicken mc nuggets up his ass, named from the idea of "flying a nugget up your ass". He has no cheese burgers, nor big mac whopppers.
whoppers. That fly nugget is shoving nuggets up his ass again, and now his friend Walhalla is joining in!
A person who shoved fried mc nuggets up his ass. Named after "flying nuggets up thy asshole". Also known for being friends with wahalla's, a definition for another day.
Man, that fly nugget is really going ar it with those fried mc chicken nuggets trademark!
when a flamingo flys over your and shits on your chest
jacob was walking in florda and he chased flamingos and one flew over him and flying fladootled on him
More Vietnam jargon. Originally refering to an alley ball or stickball game played in most neighborhoods. Used by some military (usually in betting)to describe how the body of someone caught in the "Free Fire Zone" would travel when they were hit by the snipers or shots from the perimeter
look!... man, look out there at 11o'clock... what is that dumb ass doing in there? can't he fucking read? Fuck`em, cap`em. Hold on man! Don't shoot yet - Wait a fucking minute... I'm calling "First Bounce or Fly!"... I got $10. that says this one's gonna be a first bounce...anyone `wanna get down with $10. on a fly ball?? Ok. You're on. Alright man, blast the motherfucker.
Typically a mine worker or someone that has worked FNQ and always tells you about it. Someone that drive a capped out gu and loves telling everyone about how much he’s spent on it. Someone that message girls unannounced on after a few cans “hey u up”
Hangs a around girls at the pub like a fly
See that bloke over there hassling the poor girl wearing a work shirt trucker cap and surfer joes he a mud fly
A bloke who works in mines or FNC typically a plumber by trade. Will fuck anything that has a Pulse. Will tell you every time he gets a day off and will also tell you how much he’s spent on his shitty GU coil cab. Often will message girls “hey u up” unannounced
See that bloke over there in a work shirt trucker cap and surfer joes he a mud fly