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George Bush doesn't care about black people

A statement made by rapper/musician Kanye West back in 2005 that showed both his astute political ignorance as well as his inability to think before opening his mouth.

(Some natural disaster hits New Orleans/Oakland/Detroit)

Kanye: George Bush doesn't care about black people!

Some guy: Kanye, you's one dumb motherf***er.

by RaptorJesus720 June 10, 2009

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people who look up their name on urban dictionary

People who are very boring and basic as fuck.

They tend to follow stupid trends and are highly likely to take a screen of their name and post it on snapchat and finsta.

John: Hey, you know people who look up their name on urban dictionary?
Doe: Yeah?
John: They are faggots.

by captainmcstabbin March 15, 2017

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National Bite People Who Annoy You Day

National Bite People Who Annoy You Day
Date: August 30th
Country Of Origin: Facebook
Observing Countries: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

August 30th each year is National Bite People Who Annoy You Day. This holiday was created on Social media & in no way excludes biters from legal prosecution. Unless said biter is able to convince said biten to not contact law enforcement.
Coincidentally this holiday falls 1 day before Love Litigation Lawer Day on the last day of August, though no connection between the holidays is recorded.
Observatory is not mandatory & is fairly self-explanatory but may be observed purely within your own head for safety reasons

"Hey why'd you bite me?"
"You were being annoying."
"That doesn't make it okay. I'm calling the cops."
"Whoa, hold on, it's National Bite People Who Annoy You Day, I'm just observing the holiday."
"Oh, sorry for being annoying, my bad"

by LostOnTheLine August 20, 2016

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Some people in the wrong place at the wrong time

When you stumble upon a confrontation between a super mutant in a power armor and two Enclave soldiers against random farmers.

You seem to find some people in the wrong place at the wrong time.

by DogaoBR July 22, 2019

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What do you care about the people for

Take care of yourself and take care of your family. What do the rest of the people mean to you they don’t mean anything to you. They’re just serfs, they’re just people.

Take care of your own life.

What do you care about the people for

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker March 6, 2021

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My mum said to ignore people lol

My mum said to ignore people lol

My mum said to ignore people lol

by sdinaz October 24, 2023

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National beat the crap out of tall people day

On October 23rd, you can beat the crap out of anyone over 5’6”

Consent not needed.

β€œI’m going to beat the crap out of you.”
β€œWtf why?”
β€œIt’s National beat the crap out of tall people day”

by Sponge87 October 21, 2021