Social decline, let’s say it’s spring break. A whole week you can spend chilling with your friends. You cant see your friends. One’s phone broke, you don’t know the other’s phone number, etc. You’re online friends are doing chores, on the plane, perhaps playing with their sibling, or you ran out of ideas to talk to them about.. but you still wanna talk to someone, yet you can’t. So you just play games and eat by yourself all day and do anything to keep yourself busy. You are socially declining and are turning into a hobbit.
Person 1: “Man, spring break was so fun!”
Person 2: “Yeah, I got a little bored though.”
Person 3: “i ate and slept and played video games all day. i was so socially declined.”
stalking people on social media without getting noticed
social stalk my boyfriend from instagram web viewers like
Someone who lost their sense of dignity long ago. When faced with a cancellation mob trying to destroy their life, take away their job, and ruin their reputation over a trivial matter, something that happened decades ago, or a misinterpretation of something said or done, they grovel and apologize in the hopes that they might appease the mob. These spineless characters beg for forgiveness even though it has yet to prove fruitful in any case.
"Did you hear that Tommy is being canceled because he held the door open for some girls at the mall? Clear case of internalized patriarchy."
"And he apologized for that?! What a feckless social simp."
(Verb): The art of multitasking on social media.
Texting, tweeting, and instagramming; my fingers hurt from all this social-tasking.
1. That moment when a group of friends in a social setting all stop talking to one another because they're all checking their social media.
2. That moment when you fall out of a conversation with friends and start checking your phone and scrolling and scrolling. No, he didn't write you back yet!
1. "Look at that table! They're all just sitting there on their phones not talking. Are they even friends?"
"Sure, they're just having a social moment."
2. "......... Hey, Jess! I'm talking to you!"
"Huh? Sorry, I was having a social moment."
When a person is paid, sent with an agenda, or goes on their own volition to sabotage and ruin another person's reputation by doing deliberately intolerable things to force reactions from them to make them look bad. Social hitmen, also Social Media Hitmen, go around "trolling" people to get them to use derogatory language, verbal abuse, physical abuse, or some other form of self defense to defend themselves, and then record or photo these actions to ruin their reputations to people in the media and in their lives.
These "hitmen" are totally and morally dead inside, are deplorable, and have no problems ruining your life and taking every cent you have just for an easy paycheck. They will block you from where you need to go, grope and sexually assault you, call you terrible things on your media pages, and be genuinely intolerable in order to achieve some agenda, get a criminals paycheck, or just do it for their own sick fun. These people, like paparazzi, never stop, never rest, until they get that sweet demon release and ruin your life.
As of now, 2020, there is no legal defense to stop a Social Hitman other than self control.
Guy 1: Did you hear what A Herd did to JD? She ruined his career.
Guy 2: That Social Hitman? She did it for the attention and the money, no question.
Apologist on TV: I am sorry for using the F word in a derogatory manner to that person last week. A Social Media Hitman was harassing me in emails, private messages, and sending me inappropriate sexual pictures of themselves and others, and when I tried to block them and tell them to stop, they kept at it until I went off at them. I am sorry to the people that saw it, and I am not bigoted nor intolerant, just this person posted their screenshot of me telling them off and it was taken out of context. I shouldn't have said it, and I am sorry.
Corporation: There is a person we want to take down on their social media pages and ruin their reputation to make them look bad politically, allowing us to gain more social support. We will give you 10,000 USD to find a way to make this person look like a bigot, a racist, a deviant, or sexually abusive. You can develop a relationship and betray them, or anything to achieve this goal.
Social Media Hitman: Shouldn't be too hard; I can use private servers, networks, and follow and harass them until they react.
Concerned Citizen: What can we do against these social hitmen?
Concerned Citizen 2: Absolutely nothing. you just have to ignore, block, restrict, and hire security to keep them away. There is no known legal defense to stop a Social (Media) Hitman other than self control. Humans 2020
Someone who is hungry for and desperate for a social interaction with someone else.
Timmy - Greg won't stop asking me to hang out.
John - Its because he's a social carnivore Timmy.