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Social (Media) Hitman

When a person is paid, sent with an agenda, or goes on their own volition to sabotage and ruin another person's reputation by doing deliberately intolerable things to force reactions from them to make them look bad. Social hitmen, also Social Media Hitmen, go around "trolling" people to get them to use derogatory language, verbal abuse, physical abuse, or some other form of self defense to defend themselves, and then record or photo these actions to ruin their reputations to people in the media and in their lives.

These "hitmen" are totally and morally dead inside, are deplorable, and have no problems ruining your life and taking every cent you have just for an easy paycheck. They will block you from where you need to go, grope and sexually assault you, call you terrible things on your media pages, and be genuinely intolerable in order to achieve some agenda, get a criminals paycheck, or just do it for their own sick fun. These people, like paparazzi, never stop, never rest, until they get that sweet demon release and ruin your life.

As of now, 2020, there is no legal defense to stop a Social Hitman other than self control.

Guy 1: Did you hear what A Herd did to JD? She ruined his career.
Guy 2: That Social Hitman? She did it for the attention and the money, no question.

Apologist on TV: I am sorry for using the F word in a derogatory manner to that person last week. A Social Media Hitman was harassing me in emails, private messages, and sending me inappropriate sexual pictures of themselves and others, and when I tried to block them and tell them to stop, they kept at it until I went off at them. I am sorry to the people that saw it, and I am not bigoted nor intolerant, just this person posted their screenshot of me telling them off and it was taken out of context. I shouldn't have said it, and I am sorry.

Corporation: There is a person we want to take down on their social media pages and ruin their reputation to make them look bad politically, allowing us to gain more social support. We will give you 10,000 USD to find a way to make this person look like a bigot, a racist, a deviant, or sexually abusive. You can develop a relationship and betray them, or anything to achieve this goal.
Social Media Hitman: Shouldn't be too hard; I can use private servers, networks, and follow and harass them until they react.

Concerned Citizen: What can we do against these social hitmen?
Concerned Citizen 2: Absolutely nothing. you just have to ignore, block, restrict, and hire security to keep them away. There is no known legal defense to stop a Social (Media) Hitman other than self control. Humans 2020

by MCPKG December 28, 2021


"Crap-Pissed" is a term for Artists who have art that Sucks... Bad. Is correctly used describing artwork that is often simple, ridiculous, ugly, and often is rainbow colored and looks like it was made by a 3 year old practicing drawing with crayons; Not artwork that you don't like or disagree with. This means that if you think Rembrandt's art sucks, he is Not a crappist but rather you don't like his art, while 95% of the art that you see in Velvet Buzzsaw at the art-shows (that are not done by the old man) would all be Crappist 'work'.

Real artists should get credit for real work that has skill and talent, but not a Crappist.

Girl: "Hey did you see that ridiculous and stupid blue balloon dog sold for 58 Million dollars?"
Guy: "Whoever bought that loves crappist art and has crappist taste, and must also be insane."

Bro 1: "Hey did you see that rainbow-blob painting in Velvet Buzzsaw, at that art show?"
Bro 2: "Yeah that crappist almost made me have to change my pants!"

Friend: "Dude, look at that picture on the wall. It's just a blue circle from Office Paint, and he's selling it for 149.99!"
Any Sane Person: "What a crappist."
Friend: "Buy it dude, we'll cut it out and make a collection of crap art like that guy who collected noses from famous paintings in that movie."
And Sane Person: "Not even for free, man! God, it's just horrible!"

by MCPKG October 19, 2019


When a company (or really anybody) does a Massive Bait-and-Switch where they show you something that Looks amazing with great graphics and features, and then you buy it, thinking it would be like that, and the product was Downgraded, streamlined, and is Nothing like they promised upon release. Fallout 76 is a great example, as well as Watchdogs and Many Ubisoft titles with graphics-downgrade scandals. Thus, the Ubisoft-Swap is when a product that was shown to you is significantly changed, most often Reduced in quality the day they sell it to you.

Gamer 1: "dude did you see that Watchdogs E3 demo with all the amazing weather and lighting effects? That looks amazing!"
Gamer 2: "That's an Ubisoft-Swap man. There's no way it will look like that and don't buy it before you compare it."
Release: See Gamer 2 response.

FO76: "It will have all New weather, lighting, and landscape Technology."
Release: "Well, we didn't 'lie.' it is all New, right? It's a New game, so we didn't 'lie' to you."
Sane Gamers (99%): "Are you serious? We were Betrayed and Ubisoft-Swapped!"

Anthem E3 Demo: "WOAH! This looks amazing! amazing weather, graphics, guns, gameplay, So Many things that are like Cool!!"
Release: "WTH is this? I've been Ubisoft-Swapped!"

by MCPKG October 25, 2019

Gravity Philosophy

When you learn or think of something that factual, true, real, or something else; However, when you rethink about this topic it seems really Obvious and you're not sure why you didn't think of it before or in that way. This is exactly like Gravity, where once you Know what it is, Then it is obvious. If you Don't know what gravity is, or Nobody knows what gravity is, then you wouldn't think of it until it is mentioned and Then you question why you didn't consider it before.

This is also why it took people so long to Learn what gravity is because nobody thought about it and it "just was" Before they Knew what it was. Now Gravity seems as obvious as breathing air and that air is oxygen, but before science nobody knew what air nor oxygen was, thus being another example of Gravity Philosophy.

Guy: "I feel tired and depressed, and I don't know why."

Girl: "That's because you haven't eaten anything with vitamins and nutrients in days; you need to eat more nutritious foods."
Guy: "You're right, all I've eaten is cheese pizza and soda, so that's some Gravity Philosophy."

Clothing Company: *Sprays millions of clothes with Unknown and Untested Chemicals to make them more flat.*
Scientist: "We have found that that chemical can seep into people's blood and skin, and cause serious problems with peoples health 20 years down the road.
20 Years Later: *millions of people get cancer*
Legal Legislation: "This chemical is now Banned due to consumer health problems."
Everybody: "I wish somebody with a sense of Gravity Philosophy did some testing before we all got sick."

All Prior Human "Scientists": "The Earth is Not round Nor a planet And is the center of the universe."
1600ish Galileo Galilei: "You're wrong, it is elementary science that is obvious Now."
2019 Trolls: "The Earth is Flat."
All People Everywhere: "I guess these guys never learned Gravity Philosophy in school. They Must be making millions selling silly T-shirts and merchandise on some ridiculous website."
Area 51 Raid Starters: "That's some Gravity Philosophy if I've ever heard any before. not a bad idea..."

by MCPKG October 12, 2019


When a person's mind has evolved so far beyond other humans that they become almost hyper-intelligent In-Relation to other humans. Intelligence is, factually, ambiguous and can only be based on the one writing the intelligence test Intelligence measurements, or the Intelligence Quotient, can only be judged by Other Humans and their Relative intelligence as an "anatomically modern human," and in regard to the social consensus which places the limitations of their baseline intelligence factors.

So, a "Hyper-Sapien" is a Mentally Evolved human that is more significantly evolved than "normal" AMH's. Usually hyper-sapiens speak in ways that people can barely understand even though they are speaking perfect, fluent english. If You are a hyper-sapien, then you will probably be able to think and understand things much faster than others, be intelligent enough to outpace other "thinkers" well beyond your age, and almost never be understood by those around you and be forced to explain everything in excruciating detail for them to understand what you just said with any competency.

This does Not mean you speak well, are well educated, Nor are wealthy and successful. These are all Incidental to the realities of the world. Hyper-sapiens are able to interpret data and Think significantly beyond others, even if they don't recognize to what extent due to the mental limits of those around them often limiting their potential.

AMH: "How are you?"
Hyper-Sapien: "I am vexed and perturbed by the obstinate neglect the extremely-wealthy are exhibiting in their blatant ignorance of the realities of the world and it's deterioration from overproduction and their abundant toxic-waste productions Without appropriate sanction and regulation."
AMH: "What are you, a Hyper-Sapien or something?"
Hyper-Sapien: "I answered your question; what's the problem?"

AMH: "Did you hear about the meat-industry making laws about saying bad things about meat?"
H-S: "Yes, it is disturbing. Silencing people that talk about even Potentially tainted meat, even though most of the non-organic meat is pumped with hormones, fed huge amounts of cheap GMO food that is unable to be digested or absorbed by the animal, and are even sometimes fed their own dead brethren ground into mulch and often used as fertilizer."
AMH: "What? I just saw it on the news last night. They didn't say any of that."
H-S: "Oh. Yeah, it's bad and getting worse."
AMH: "Yeah it is! I don't know about any of that Hyper-Sapien stuff. lol"

by MCPKG December 17, 2019


Covids, also commonly said as "The Covids," is plural for people that are perceived as possibly having Covid-19 or similar virus. People sneezing, coughing, have elevated temperature, or are showing signs of any generic sickness whatsoever, can be seen as being One of the Covids. Anyone talking about being sick could be one of the Covids, and any symptom could also be a sign of having Covid, such as having diarrhea, indigestion, unfavorable opinions about the government, coughing, being generally unpleasant, or vomiting could also classify You as a Covid. Internet trolling could also be a symptom of Covid-19, and really could be anything. So, just shout "He's one of the Covids!" or "Covids! Run!" whenever someone is anything less than perfect health so you can survive the Covid-19 pandemic.

Man: "Honey, Look! That guy 20 feet in front of us is sneezing and coughing! And he doesn't have a mask!"
Woman: "He's one of the Covids! We got to get out of here!"
Man pushes Woman down to escape and she gets coughed on, gets Covid-19, and dies 4 days later.

Man 1: *Sneezes in an elevator*
Man 2: "He's a Covid! Run for your lives!"
Man 2 and Man 3 beat Man 1 to death and run out of the building. No charges are placed on Man 2 or Man 3 because the coughing man was found to have Covid-19 in a public facility.

Reporter 1: "Is it a Virus?"
Interviewed: "We don't know."
Reporter 2: "How does it spread; is it airborne?"
Interviewed: "Well, that is a possibility. We don't know."
Reporter 1: "Is this an international health hazard, or a military concern?"
Interviewed: "Both."
Reporter 2: "Are these Covids alive or dead?"
Interviewed: "We don't know."

Reporter 1 coughs and sweats lightly, and is summarily beaten and killed. Later, being found to have Covid-19 after testing positive was classified as a toxic health hazard and was cremated with all belongings.

by MCPKG May 25, 2020

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Disney Cannon

When a Large company, for this definition and example Disney Company, buys a franchise of really any type and Ruins It Completely. Star Wars episodes 8 and 9 are So Bad that Most fans think that Disney Ruined the franchise according to the available Canon, which is a term used for historically defined rules, creations, or otherwise established world-building used for the universe being presented. Disney, also for an example of the "Disney Cannon," Arbitrarily decided to "decanonize," or make Not Canon Anymore, Most of the old material because "it is inconvenient for the current material, "that were, again, So Bad that their Own Materials even Broke their Own Established Canon.

So, for this example, the company Allowed uneducated people Of the franchise lore to take the "Disney Cannon," and make Arbitrary decisions Without Democratic Acceptance of the materials, that largely breaks, or makes incomprehensible, the content that the franchise has established as a whole and especially to the franchise's Established Canon.

Cannon is in reference to the blunt, destructive power of unregulated and unchecked misuse of power in Control of a Largely accepted artwork that can be seen as going Against the wants, hopes, and desires of the loyal fan-base.

Friend 1: "I can't believe they made money off of this film. There must just be So Many people that are fans that even seeing the movie 1 time at 15 dollars will make them close to a Billion dollars."
Friend 2: "Yeah, the Disney Cannon blew a gaping hole in the franchise and I am not sure they can even recover. I'm not buying their 40 dollar blue ray That's for sure."
Friend 3: 'I guess that Proves that you can cut the nose off the Mona Lisa if you can afford to buy it. the Disney Cannon really made a mess of things."

Normal Person with Negative Opinion: "The Rise of Skywalker is one of the Worst films I've ever seen. Can you believe how bad it was?"
Adversary to the Social Consensus: "You are a Sexist, a Misogynist, and a Racist for having negative opinions about this exceptional film with strong people doing their best."
Normal Person with Negative Opinion: "Looks like I've been hit by the Disney Cannon!" *Que Laugh Track*

Man: "I can't believe they've destroyed the established canon, over 30 years of great content, so badly and made so much material irrelevant to Their story arch. Rey can do these Ridiculous things Constantly and it makes no sense and was never even mentioned before, even in the films."
Insane Person: "You are just an angry man baby who can't handle strong women in lead roles."
Man: "I guess I've been hit by the Disney Cannon." *Que Laugh Track*

by MCPKG January 9, 2020