Ik most people on here are hating on this letter of the alphabet fir being overused while texting, but bear with me.
U is used as a replacement for you in texting and commenting. However I mainly write this to add that it has a bit of a flirty connotation to it as well. Not that it always does. It really depends on the context and who is sending it.
Where are u
I miss u
How are u
U are awesome
U is a substitute for you
u have a crush on someone (That Was The only thing I could think of sorry)
Used by FUCKING MORONS who are a part of Gen Alpha and are too FUCKING LAZY to type out the full word, and will try to defend themselves with something like "im 2 pr3ppy b4dd13 sl4y 4nd 1 4m 4n 1nt3rn3t g1rl sl4y 1n 0h10 sk1b1d1 s1gm4." They probably watch YouTube Shorts and should get mental treatment. They are 100% GAY and LGBTQ+
Boy"SHUT the actual FUCK up, you fucking TikTok girl. I'm not your boyfriend. And, no, I'm not going on a date, you moron."
You just misspelled 'you'. Why are you even on the internet?
Kyle: U ever just buy airpods to flex on them haters?
Jonathan: Welcome, Fellow kids.