A term used to describe the situation when someone is simply being too geeky for general conversation.
Concerned-Friend: "Whoa buddy, hold on, I think you over-geek'd a bit too much there."
Getting aggressively fucked while being bent over on the kitchen counter
She went on an over-the-counter date
Getting aggressively fucked while being bent over the kitchen counter.
She showed interest in going on an over-the-counter date.
when a thing exceeds the usual capacity of derp. an overdose of derpage.
I tried to make an awkward turtle but I over-derped it.
A food over is similar to a sleepover but each person takes food and once all together, y'all enjoy it all.
Person: Hey, let's have a food over!
Other person: I'll bring chocolate covered Pinapple!
when someone has been treating you badly and you’re sick of it
Micah left the house a mess again, I’m over the shit.