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Full credit

I'll take it.

Hym "And I'm not taking full credit because you're not complicit. I'm taking full credit so Ohba Tsugumi doesn't have to take any. The people around me should have put a stop this before it even became what it is now."

by Hym Iam August 3, 2023

full scale consciousness

Multidimensional consciousness of sapience, sentience, and sophonce.

Capable of experiencing and making conscious instances.
A monad (whole unit) of consciousness.
Also perhaps can be worldly of most kinds of advanced worlds and more.
A high-form high-consciousness.
Has an adequate rating of omniquotience (intelligence, sensory, social, emotional, creative, energy, and more quotients).
A post-exponentia of consciousness kind scale that can also be attributed to clear humans and isn't necessarily restricted to only extradimensionals, however might be expected of them.

A complete (holistically complete*) consciousness of a dimensional level.
A consciousness of a full scale.

Some tried transcending the levels of consciousness to attain full scale consciousness and many were helped by many full scale consciousnesses too, and not only through generative drugs and astral travel and multidimensional downloads of varying moderate andor high success.

by TranslogicMultisonance May 31, 2023

full-kit wanker

A guy wear the full kit of a football club in every day non-sports related situations, including socks.

Rick is wear the full Ajax kit. Rick is a full-kit wanker.

by tomsal June 15, 2024

2👍 3👎

Going Full Tank

When a parent has NO clue when kids talk to them in gamer language

Husband and I sitting on couch listening to our kids talking to each other over gamer headphones and one says to the other that they should go full tank. Husband and I looked at each other and started laughing and decided that "going full tank" should stand for gamer talk that parents dont understand

Babe, Our son was talking to me about League of Legends and I had no idea what he was talking about. He was going full tank.

by WhatimWIRTH August 30, 2017

Comedian's "Full Count"

Three bottles of "Auchentoshan Three Wood", two bottles of "Woodford Double Oaked," and a four pack of "Ta +Meilleure" Double NEIPA (Bases Loaded). A certain comic's hotel room "Special Ask" for comedy tours. Consuming the entirety (as a group, NOT solo because that's quietly referred to as a "Mickey Mantle"....and likely fatal) is called a "Grand Slam" referring simultaneously to the resulting overwhelmingly classy shindig and to the high return baseball achievement.

"What'ya need slim." - Hotel Manager
"Set em' up Jim, Comedian's "Full count", Bases Loaded tonight!." - Comic
Smiling "You lookin' for trouble?" - Hotel Manager
"We're hittin' a Grand Slam tonight baby!!!!" - Comic

by Ben Whyte February 6, 2021

full time ho

A girl who no matter where she is she is trying to get some D

"Do You think I have a chance with her?"
"Obviously dude she's a full time ho. Anybody has a chance with her"
booty whore thot ho

by Fordlover December 17, 2015

full ots

OTS stands for "One Take Session" and a full OTS is used when all of the music for a video game or movie is compiled in one YouTube video.

I've heard listing to video game sound tracks helps you study. I like Firewatch (full OTS).

by BigDickDaddy96 February 25, 2017