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Anyone with this name is an amazing, smart talented boy. They get all the girls and will be very rich and successful. Just like they have done before they will get over a break up, they are so fucking hot as well tho! Hotter than their brother!

Harry: “Hi i’m Harry!”
Guest : “wow hi harry! you must be so rich!!”

by James_chaleslover56 April 23, 2021


A intellectual, weak willed male figure who sees himself as way more urban and gangster then he really is

He’s being such a harry

by OTRQHCXZZM January 3, 2018


the guy that goes to the gay section when on pornhub and chooses his future career as a gay rapist

Harry went into the elders leisure centre toilet and raped an autistic 70 year old man

by hairy ballsack2 June 15, 2020


Likes boys, tends to ride men on the daily, especially his cousin, but is mad fine no cap

Yo where did Harry go? Prolly to go fuck his dad

by PlzDontMuteMeImSorryBabe February 6, 2020


Big man with big socks

Wow thats harry he is a big man and oh wow look at his big socks

by Stalkeryeah@gmail.com February 23, 2021


A hot british kid who gets all the big titties pussy and ass and thinks havin is sexy as wants to clap and eat dat ass, he also is friends with all niggas baby!

Example: havin "Harry your HOT

harry "Thx bby u too

by BigFatTitties42O October 3, 2018


Harry has a massive dick and he’s very good in bed a sex god people call him he’s cute and has a great personality

I wish I was a harry with a massive dick

by Weahhhhhh November 3, 2018