a ginger, with terribly good puns, really slow, asianish, a bunch of ship names and is generally just really tall. Also a good texter and uber cool with really pale skin
hey did you meet the guy? he looked like a real chris lunn
The best couple to ever exist. They may argue often but their love for each other still grows every day . They have to face a lot and it's difficult to find time for each other but in the end it will work out for them .
Chris and Angel are definitely in love.
gets all the bitches, pussy magnet, hot as fuck
chris nyari is hot as fuck
The most badass motherfucker to be alive. If Gary Vaynerchuk and David Goggins could have a kid, Chris Zavala would be the byproduct. I give up is not in his vocabulary, you’ll never see him she a tear and he has the pain tolerance of a fucking Shark with a chunk of flesh bitten off but still swimming along eating other sharks like a murder dolphin.
If you ever get in Chris Zavalas good side he’ll treat you 10 times better. If you get in his bad side he’ll treat you ten times worse.
He always has the most attractive girlfriend and regularly pipes her down to maintain dominance.
Chris Zavala is so unhinged one time I heard he threw a guy off a building just to see what would happen since he talked smack about his mom.
Chris Lacy is a common name for those who teach AP physics. They often are giga-chad males who make their students second guess themselves. They also usually wear striped polos.
Student: Yo do you got the lab work for Chris Lacy?
Other student: nah, not yet
Chris Habs the king of many man who stay strapped and has a child named Omar who farts on people's left nuts
U serve under Chris Habibs legacy